Otis- August 14, 2020

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I can't believe Elora had the guts to do that. I shake my head, and sit up in bed. I haven't been able to catch even a sliver of sleep the entire night thanks to someone. She's changed ever since her family put the whole "You're the Family's succesor" thing on her. We grew up together, our mothers were friends since before our fathers even knew our mothers.. but ever since her mother died, her family has tried to keep up from speaking. It doesn't exactly work the way they had hoped. 

Anyway, Elora already has a strike for this year. I need to get her under control. I swing my legs off the bed and slip into my house slippers, stretching I slowly morning-walk over to my closet. I slide my uniform on, shake my hair into place, grab my work from my desk and head downstairs to have breakfast. All over the walls are war relics, rifles of ever kind and memoribilia from diffrent boxing matches. My parents are the definition of a streyotypical military type. Me, not so much. I like the peace after fighting rather than the- well the... fighting. I slide into the chair as I let my father know of my presense. He turns his head to the sound of my voice. "Oh well good morning. You don't have to be so quiet you know?" He chuckles and I smile towards my mom. She's trying to get father to eat, but father is dodging the food. I hear Elora's voice in my head 

I'm here Otis let's go

I toss the rest of my egg into my mouth, and covering my mouth I say "Nice day to you. I'm off to school." I say before almost going. Father's hand motions for me to stop. He reaches for my hand and takes it from behind him. "I heard of Elora's doings from some nurses at the hospital yesterday. Keep that girl under control. You have that straight?" He says. "Yes, dad." I reply. "Well good, now off to school." He says and squeezes my hand. While I close the door I hear him say to mom "I miss seeing my son's handsome face. We made him I should be able to see him." I hear. 

"What took you so long" Elora asks, running up and attempting to put her arm around my shoulders. I have to crouch for her to reach, I laugh at her obnoxiously and she slaps the back of my head. "Blind parent problems" I respond simply. She hugs me slightly before pulling away. 

I would show affection and support you through your 'bling parent problems' but there are too many people around and I need to make sure no one sees any weakness. She sends and I laugh.

I'm your weakness? I mock

She huffs and walks further away from me.  

I hear loud wings from above me, I look up as I see a double-chinned Adrien looking at me from the back of a dragon of some sort. He pokes the person (presumably So Ra but I can't tell because of the wings) in front of him and they decline from the sky. My guess was right, it was So Ra. 

"You want to join?" Adrien asks. I look over to So Ra. She is fixing her hair and is talking to her dragon in a language I don't understand. I wonder what they're saying. Are Animal powers usually this pretty or is it just her? 

"Hello?" Adrien pokes me out of my thinking. "Only if it's okay with So Ra and um.. her dragon." I say. So Ra looks up and smiles sweetly "of course it's ok with me. Kudos is happy to give you a lift" She laughs at her horrendous dad joke. I see Adrien smile affectionatley and I ask, "How exactly.. do you... ride a dragon?" I ask

"Just hop on and see what you can figure out" Adrien says. "Adrien!" So Ra exclaims and hits him on the back of the head. "You can be behind me and in front of Adrien since it's your first time. Hold onto either me or Kudos. It's easy once you get used to it. Kudos is a good flier and is good at catching people and babies. You'll be fine." She says as she pets Kudos affectionatley. It's adorable, frankly. She nods towards the dragon as she gets on. ADrien and I follow and we're lifted into the air. This is an interesting day. 

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