Sora- July 30, 2020 Planet Merpla

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Author: If you enjoy the story, please like and share! This is my 2nd story on this platform and I already put a lot of planning into it. I'd appreciate it if you could comment down below some criticism. Thank you so much, and I hope you enjoy reading. If you like my writer-voice, I have another story called 'New To This Side Of Life'. Anyway, starting the story.. whoooooosh

I hear her infiltrating my thoughts. Give up she sends. No. I say as I scream "I'm sorry, Cloudy!" to the tiger as he bounds in Elora's direction. The pillar that was behind me is now right in front of my face. Damn you, Elora. I think. THONK, I ran into the pillar. Falling, falling. 


"SORA WILL YOU F*CKING TURN THAT ALARM CLOCK OFF?"  Cloudy roars from the back yard. I slam my hand down on the off button and go to the window, and look at my animal's habitats. 

"Sorry Cloudy," I say. "Time to wake up." I can hear groans from throughout the back yard. I head back to my room to get ready for the first day of 10th grade at Coleur High School. My schedule says I'm in the Orange building- the advanced building. I couldn't understand why, but then Adrien explained he asked his sister to have us in the same class this year. I'm happy to be in a class with him since the last time we did, it was in primary school. The downsides though, sort of outweigh the goods. One, in the Orange Building there are more powerful people, and only the medium sized holding cages for animals. I guess I'm going to have to take Kudos this year instead of Cloudy.

"Kudos, get ready to take me to school." I say out the window again, I can see a lazy Curedo Dragon leaving her house.

"Why me and not -yawn- Cloudy like usual?" She says. 

"New building and we all know how Cloudy would act in a medium cage." I say, in response I hear laughs echoing from outside. 

I return to my vanity, putting on little makeup. Pulling up my hair into a pony tail, I head over to my 75-gallon and say, "Good day sweeties!" 

"Good day, Sora." Bob, my best-friend-airowana responds. I drop some tuna fillets pieces in the tanks for the animals before heading downstairs. I grab a BelBetia bar, a steak for Cloudy, and a salad for the tortises,  and check the time. 

"Frick, we're going to be late." I say, pulling out my phone to call Adrien. I scamper over to the tortises, feeding them their salads.

"You finally up?" I hear Adrien say from the other side of the phone. 

"Yeah, I took too long to get ready this morning. Get your booty butt over here so we can go. I'm taking Kudos today." I say. 

Roar aka "Breakfast please" I hear Cloudy say.

"What does he want this time?" Adrien says. 

"Food. Bye." I say, clicking the disconnect  button. 

"Hey, Pitter and Patter. I put sone tomatoes in the salads for you today. Have a great day, sweeties." I say to the tortises before clothing the feeding hatch and heading over to Cloudy's enclosure. It is an acre big, and right at the entrance I see my beautiful snowy tiger Cloudy sitting like the prince he is. 

"You finally got my food?" He says while grooming his paws. 

I enter the enclosure, sure to close the gate behind me. 

"Sure do." I give him the steak "You'll get live feed tonight." I say before petting him on the nose and kissing his forehead. "Have a great day, sweetie." I say. 

"How dare you call me a sweetie when I am a King" He says, downing the steak in one gulp and licking the remaints. 

I laugh, "You sure are, Cloudy" 

Cloudy's ears pin back. "The grape is here. Have a good day my sister Sora." He gives me one scratchy lick before walking back to his covered gazebo

I grab my backpack and Beliebe bar from earlier and run out, closing and locking the enclosures. 

"Good day, Sister Sora." My animals say in unison. 

"Good day, sweeties." I yell before going to Kudo's enclosure. 

"You ready? We've gotta go." I say while I enter her habitat. 

"Never been readier." She says as I lead her out, closing and locking the enclosure after us. She is already by the safety gate and soaking in attention from Adrien. I jog over to her, opening the gate. Kudos uses her scaley wings to push herself over the safety grooves in the gate's ground. I walk over, and climb up on her. I pat the spot behind me for Adrien to join me. 

As soon as he climbs on, we are lifted into the air and are on the way to the first day at school. Adrien holds onto Kudo's torso and I hold onto her neck. I feel a pencil fall out of my backpack. 

Hey, you dropped a pencil

I guess I did. 

Wait- that wasn't me.

I look below Kudos, I see someone with midnight-black hair holding a pencil up. 

"Hey, Kudos down for a sec." I say. 

"K" She bellows before she declines. 

I climb off of her before standing up. It's Elora from the Orange Building.

"Hey Elora. Guess who's in our class this year?" Adrien says. 

Wait- she's going to be in our class? I think without realizing it slipped into the read-able frequency. 

Is that a problem? I don't want to hurt anyone, you know. I hear her think back to me. 

"No, I'm sorry. But can we.. speak?" I say, grabbing my pencil from her hands, and closing my backpack and double checking it. 

"Yes, my bad" She says before walking past us. 

"Weird kid." Kudos says before taking her wings back up, signaling us to go back. We're going to be late. 

Adrien and I climb on again before being taken up. Kudos goes quickly to the school, steering to the Orange Building. 

As she declines into the air-marked "ANIMAL PARKING HERE" area. 

I can see two other animals, one Zebla, and one Coyotte. I lead Kudos into the animal-check in counter. The staff member is a Red-haired old lady. "Medium cage I assume?" 

"Yes, Ma'am." I say, taking the key from her and going to my assigned enclosure with Kudos. 

"I'm so excited to meet new animals." Kudos says under her breath. I break into a smile, patting her on the head before opening the enclosure's door. She's next to the Zebla in slot 2-L. 

"Take care of her for me?" I ask the Zebla. 

"Don't speak to me." The Zebla bellows. 

"Talk to your speaker with that mouth, not mine." Kudos says before flapping her wings and clicking the 'screen' button. 

I smile before saying goodbye to Kudos and going back to Adrien. He's talking to a brown-haired guy. He must be a military power.

"Sora, over here!" Adrien yells, waving me over. The brown-haired boy looks over at me, smiling. 

"This is Otis, he's in our class" Adrien says. 

"Hi Otis, I'm Sora; an animal communicator. I'm assuming you're a military?" I say, smiling up at him. 

"Nice to meet you, Sora. I am a military, good guess. But I guess you could tell by my hair." He says, playing with his hair. 

"We should get to class." Adrien says, and pushing us towards the entrance. 

Sorry for the weird chapter. I just hope it was readable. 

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