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Pic of Luna above
Luna POV
I woke up with a pounding headache. Something was definitely different but I couldn't put my paw on it. Then it hit me I HAD BEEN SOLD! I quickly jumped up hitting my head on the roof of the carrier in the process. 'Great just great. This is not what I needed. Why couldn't I be born a normal wolf?' Even in my slightly dizzy state I heard footsteps pound in the distance. The cloth over the carrier was lifted causing me to blink at the sudden light. The person whom I presumed to be King quickly and easily lifted me carrier and all from the back of the car to the ground, and into a house. At least I presumed it to be a house. I couldn't actually tell due to the tiny holes in the crate.

Snow started to pace anxiously around my head whining and muttering something that I couldn't quite make out.
' Snow, what's wrong?' I asked her. She didn't reply choosing to simply huff and go back to pacing. I must have been lost in my mind because now I noticed that we were entering a small room. He set the crate down on the bed and opened the door. Cowering against the wall I watched helplessly as he picked me up by my scruff and set me on the bed beside him. But that's not what surprised me. What surprised me is how...gently he did it. He didn't yank my fur or sling my up like I was used to. I glance warily at him making sure to not anger him in any was.
"Hey,pup, it's ok. You're safe here." He said soothingly. 'Pup?'                 I flinched back from his hand as he reached for me. "What did they do to you?" He said the last part so softly that I could barely hear it. Shaking in fear, I cowered even more into the blanket as questions flooded my mind.
'What is he doing?' I asked Snow hoping she would know. She didn't answer just kept on pacing back and foreth.
"Hey, pup? Do you think you could shift back for me?" He asked. So that's what he wanted. I knew this game if I did shift back I would be beaten for going against Alpha's orders, but if I didn't I would be beaten for defying his orders.

I began shaking uncontrollably. My heart rate spiked. I backed up to the edge of the bed pressing myself against the head bord hoping somehow it would protect me from the blows that I knew were coming. I braced myself for impact. However, much to my suprise, they never came. I chanced a glance at him. His eyes were clouded. I panicked. When the guards did that back at my old pack it ment that they were calling in more guards to join in the 'fun'. According to the look of him he was probably the gamma of his pack. I wouldn't make it if he was the one beating me so, in absolute desperation, I dove off and under the bed. It probably wouldn't hold them off for long but it would give me a few extra minutes to say goodbye to my pathetic excuse for a life.

Just a few seconds after I did this, two people rushed into the room. The first person was a slim brown haired woman with bright green eyes, probably the pack doctor. But, the next one had me squirming in excitement and quivering in fear at the same time. He was the Alpha.

As soon as he entered the room he stiffened sniffing the air. His gaze landed on my small form as I struggled to make myself as small as possible. Then he said the one word that I thought would never hear. The one would that every she-wolf longed to hear. The one I both dreaded and longed for at the same time.
My wolf howled in joy as his sent filled ny nose. Me, on the other hand, I was terrified. The guards at my old pack always used to tell me that I wouldn't have a mate, and that if I did he would hurt me just as much, or even more than they did, and that after a day with him I would be begging for them to take me back.

Hey, guys finally updated. I don't know if this song is right for this, but I love it! Enjoy.

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