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I've been going to practice and watching which makes me so sad. Peter has been doing really well in lacrosse.

Months later...
Finally I'm out of my cast and am finally cleared to go back to volleyball and cheer. It's the last semester of school. I have a volleyball game tonight it is state finals. I'm so excited.  It's the last serve of the game. My teammate bumps it, another sets it and I jump up for the spike. Its hits the ground. We just won states. All of a sudden my team is surrounding me. I'm jumping up and down everybody is freaking out. I hear everyone in the stands going crazy. A lot of our school is in the stands. Our coach tell us to die down and do hands with the other team. We do hands with the other team and we all celebrate. I feel someone give me a hug from behind me.
"PETER" He gives me a big hug.
Our coach shouts over us "LADIES LADIES Congratulations have a wonderful night and we'll see each in two days." My teammate Jamila pulls me aside.
"Hey" she says in a serious voice
"Hey" I say happily
"I want you to know I saw your boyfriend up close with a girl" she shows mr a picture of Peter with Gen. Peter isn't over her.
"Thanks Jamila" I walk back into the gym and walk out to my car with a couple of my teammates. Tommorow I have a cheer comp. Peter is waiting for me at my car.
"Hey Covey"
"Hey" I say is a slightly saddened voice
"What's wrong"
"Uh nothing, yeah uh um nothing"
"Covey no secrets remember"
"Yeah, uh, Jamila showed me a picture of you really close with Gen"
"Covey its nothing I'm over her, you know that"
"Yeah, yeah, sure, sure"
"Covey her boyfriend broke up with her"
"Ok" I hear some of my cheer teammates who were there supporting the team come up behind me.
"Hey Lara Jean" Katie says
"Hey Katie"
"See you tommorow at our comp, bye, love you"
Bye love you too katie" Peter stares at me confused.
"Peter she obviously wants you"
"Lara Jean I swear its over"
"It not like you dont hangout with boys"
"Ok but none of them are my exes"
"Yeah but"
I hop on my car and say "Peter I love you, you know that, I know that, I trust you with all of my heart, and there's been so much greatness today. Just tell me it's over"
"Its over Lara Jean"
"Ok" Peter gives me a kiss on the head
"I love you covey"
"I love you too"

To all the boys I've loved before:college WITH A TWIST Where stories live. Discover now