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My body felt as if it was made of bricks as I walked through the door of my childhood home. My nose told me that Gemma and Mum were making dinner in the kitchen.

"Harry?...that you?" Mum asks.

"Yeah." I grumble. I'm pretty sure it wasn't loud enough for her to hear but I'm too done to care. I drag my heavy legs to my bedroom and close the door. I flop down on the bed and rub my eyes, which are still sore and take a deep breath.

I close my eyes and my mind drifts to the girl I met today. Her fiery hair shining in the sun while running away from the paps. I felt embarrassed that she had the strength to flip me over. I mean I'm not one of those guys with huge egos, who have to be stronger than any girl, but still, I'm not that light for her to haul me over on my arse.
Mum comes in, her gaze lands on my lazy figure upon the bed; She puts her hand on her hip. I smile at her and wince remembering my face still hurts from the pepper spray.

"What happened to your face?" Mum asks me and I groan and roll away from her embarrassed.

"Baby, are you being bullied?" She questions. I snort. Being bullied would be a lot easier to deal with, but no I got my arse kicked by a girl.

My phone started ringing and I'm relieved that I don't have to explain what happened. I didn't even look at the caller. I picked up my phone and answer it and Mum looks reluctant to leave.

"Did you really get your ass kicked by a small ginger girl!" Louis howled into the phone laughing. I groaned and put my hand on my forehead. Life couldn't be more shittier right now. If Louis knew, the whole world knew of my "incident".

"How in the literal hell do the paps get stories out so quick." I answer through gritted teeth. Louis continues to laugh and I can hear Niall, Zayn and Liam all questioning what's happening.

"It's true!" Louis cries laughing so hard I'm sure his appendix might burst. I groan. What am I supposed to do now?

My new life everyone knows I'm attending Uni and I'm sure tons of fans will find me. What do I do....
I could become a hedgehog.....yeah.

"Okay okay. I'm cool. Sorry mate. But she was gorgeous and small...." He cracks up a bit again, "how did that ginger flip you?!" Niall laughs his guts out. I'm glad they find humor in my misery.
Life as a hedgehog sounds real good..

"Harry dinner!" Gemma yells. I just hang up on Lou knowing he's just going to be laughing for the next four days. I pull my stained shirt off and grab a new one. I smile at my tattoos scattered across my skin and pull on a black v-neck and go into the bathroom I share with Gemma.

"Harold!!!! Come and eat!" Gemma yells. I ignore her and splash my face, the cold water made my face relax and some of the redness went away. I patted my face dry and then went into the kitchen.

Dinner was normal except I had to explain to both mum and Gemma what happened. Gemma, of cousres, laughed and my mum googled the story and then stated how pretty the ginger girl was and how I should find her and apologize to her by taking her to dinner then somehow we would fall in love and stuff, I just told her she watches too much soap operas. Gemma burst into another fit of laughter.

"What?" Mum asked confused.

"Mum that's sweet but the chick sprayed me in the facial area with death spray." I stated laughing at Gemma who was now choking on her lemonade. My girls always make me feel better. They're my sweet family. I help Mum do the dishes and then head to bed. I'm not sure that I'm ready for my classes tomorrow.

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