Chapter 26

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Edited 05/31/21

Meadow was in the backyard working out with some weights she found in the garage. She had a routine made up to help her strength, speed, and mental strength improve. In the morning, or during any free time she had available during the day, she worked on her speed and strength. At night, she meditated and worked on her mental strength. She was exhausted, both mentally and physically, but she couldn't stop. She had to get stronger.

It's been a week since Harry died and Leah and Seth phased. Surprisingly, Seth wasn't mad about phasing; in fact, he was over the moon. He was like a hyper puppy running around the woods. Meadow was worried about him, though. He was only a freshman, and he was the youngest to phase. Leah worried her, too. Leah found out about Sam imprinting on Emily quickly and has been more temperamental than usual. She storms around the woods and makes snarky comments about everything. But Meadow saw the pain in her eyes. She was hurting.

Meadow finished her fiftieth rep when she felt two presences behind her. She threw the weight softly on the ground and turned to greet her visitors. Seth stood beside Leah with a nervous look on his face while Leah stood there with an angry look on her face. Meadow walked towards them and stopped a few meters away from them.

"You said if we had any questions to come to you," Leah said with an attitude. "I have questions."

Meadow raised an eyebrow and looked at Seth. He panicked slightly before he said, "I-I'm just here with Leah."

"Just here for Leah?" Meadow repeated.

"Well, I'm confused about some things, too. It's just, well...."

"You don't want Sam or Jared to get mad at you. You found out what happened, then?"

"I don't think you're as bad as they say you are," Seth said quickly. "The few times you came over to our house, you didn't seem too bad."

"Enough small talk," Leah said. "I need answers."

Meadow waved her hand for the two siblings to follow her over to a few tree stumps. She sat on one and gestured for them to sit one of the other ones. When they were situated, Leah wasted no time to talk.

"Why did I phase? All the boys act like I shouldn't have," she asked.

"It's unusual for girls to phase, apparently," Meadow answered. "I'm guessing it's because you're tied to the three original bloodlines of the pack."

"The patrols. I don't understand them. Explain them to me."

"We patrol the reservation to intercept any enemies. We used to patrol Forks, too, but since the Cullens came back, we have to stick to our territory only."

"The treaty?" Seth spoke up.

"Yes. While the Cullens reside in Forks, we stick to our land, and they stick to theirs. The river is the boundary between the two," Meadow clarified.

"I don't understand the route," Leah said.

"I can't remember it either," Seth confessed.

"I couldn't either," Meadow admitted to make them feel better. "The more you do it, the more you'll remember them. You could also ask Sam to see the routes again." Meadow paused before she added, "I could take you through the patrol routes, too, if that would help."

"He's changed our route every single time we've gone on patrol, though," Leah spit out in hatred.

"I'll see if he'll let us pair up, then. Most of the changes are familiar to the rest of us and it shouldn't be a problem to lead you through them. I'm sure he'll have a problem with it, though," Meadow mumbled out after she bit her lip. She could run the idea of shadowing by Sam, but she knew he would argue with her. He was anti-Meadow, so any idea she had he would surely shut down.

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