Chapter 13

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Edited 05/30/21

Meadow refused to look at Jacob the next morning. She figured that if she didn't try to talk to him or interact with him, then she wouldn't be in trouble of getting her feelings hurt. She walked into the kitchen with her head down and her hair covering most of her face. She poured herself a cup of apple juice and popped some bread in the toaster; she wanted a quick breakfast. Jacob gave her a questioning look, wondering why she was acting so weird, but he didn't bother to ask her what was wrong.

He ended up observing her for a mere few seconds before shrugging his shoulders and continuing to eat. She briefly wished that Jake would start the conversation like he always did and ask her what they would do for the day, but she buried it deep within her mind. He wasn't the same Jake he was just a day ago. She still couldn't believe his sickness had gone and went so quickly and had caused so much personality change. It wasn't normal. But as she learned, nothing was ever normal in La Push.

She sighed and dropped her plate and cup in the sink before sluggishly walking to her room. She closed the door with a soft click and stared at her room. She felt lost. She hoped Jake was just having an off day because of his sickness and would go back to normal the next day. Somehow, though, she knew he wouldn't. Why else did her dad ask Sam to come over instead of Sue and then proceed to lie about Sam taking Jake over to Sue's house.

She was still reeling over what had occurred the night before, too, reminiscing on the date Paul took her on and the kiss they shared, how everything went downhill as soon as they got back. She scowled and shook her head when sad brown eyes invaded her mind. She refused to think about him and his betrayal. She wasn't wrong for how she wrote him off. She had placed her trust in him, and he had gone behind her back so fast. She figured that the amount of effort Paul put into being her friend showed just how much he was willing to be a loyal friend. She was wrong.

She decided to finish her homework to take her mind off everything that had happened. But that only helped so much. She quickly completed her task and was left with nothing to do. She wanted to head to the beach, but she remembered she had told Paul that she loved going there. She also remembered that he had told her he often saw her there, so that was out of the question. She knew he would look for her to apologize, but she wasn't having it. She didn't want to hear his words because it was a waste of time. Anyone can say they're sorry and then go behind someone's back once again. The only thing he could do to make it up to her was to show her through actions how sorry he was. And Meadow wasn't going to give him any more chances. It was over before it really started. Sensing the negative direction her thoughts were going, she threw her books and pencil off her bed and wrapped her comforter around her frame. She turned the light off in her room and buried herself in her bed.

When Monday rolled around, Meadow rolled out of bed and robotically got ready for school. She took her time in the bathroom and took her time eating breakfast. She wasn't ready for school. She thought it odd when Jake didn't come out of his room. She hit her head lightly and scolded herself for caring so much and started her journey to school. She wasn't surprised to see Paul waiting outside the school doors. She sighed before she got out of the car. She slung her backpack over her shoulders and steadily walked up to the school doors. In her peripheral vision, she saw Paul reach out to her but stop himself.

She stopped at her locker to unload her books and then headed to her history class. When class was over, she packed up her things and left the room. She almost groaned aloud when she noticed Paul leaning against the wall across from the classroom door. His head was hanging, and his hands were shoved into the pockets of his jeans. He looked up automatically when Meadow exited the classroom and started to make his way to her side. Noticing this, she shot him a nasty glare and he faltered. He did the same thing after her gym class and her English class. She was fed up with it. If he really wanted to be her friend, he wouldn't have outed her so easily.

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