2 years later

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I won't lie and say Satan didn't come back with a stronger attack 2 years after writing this, but he did. In the years since, depression, grief, and loneliness  came back stronger and harder. It's like everything was caving in, older family members that I knew and loved died, one of my baby cousins died, and I was even thinking about my baby brother that would've been 15 if he'd been born. In addition, prior relationships that I had with certain family members, friends, and my parents were close to being strained. For a long time I knew I had a people addiction, which I knew was growing at a rapid pace. I got so distant from my parents that it resulted in something that I regret, if it weren't for God talking to my mother and telling her to ask the ministers if my dad and I could meet up with them, our relationship would've gotten worse. Since then I've been reading my Bible ALOT more than I used to and I'm working on building up my relationship in Christ

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