How I got saved

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Well, it all started out when I was in my seventh grade year, I was the shy quiet girl who got picked on everyday because of the way I looked, how I dressed, and how I wore my hair. It was hard for me to go  through that everyday so I decided to stop eating. It went from stop eating to me trying to overdose on pills. My family and the little friends that I did have didn't know anything was wrong with me, to them I was the happiest person they ever saw, but on the inside I felt horrible and miserable. During the summer, I decided that I was really going to end my life and that I wasn't gonna play anymore games, so one day I went downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. As I was about to bring the knife to the main artery in my wrist God spoke to me through the Holy Spirit he told me that if nobody loved me, he would and reminded me about how much my friends and family loved me. The other thing he told me is to not let what people say affect me. After God spoke to me I feel to the ground and started crying and praying. I didn't know what to do but what I did know is that I was loved and that there was no need for me to commit suicide anymore. A couple months later I talked to my parents about the situation and we all started crying. I think it was hard on them knowing that I wasn't talking to them when I was going through something, but the one thing they were glad about is that I was now saved

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