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"AVA!" I yelled quickly seeing her wavy brown hair stride along as she took each of her step.

I wanted to talk to her today, wanted to say sorry and expain my side, but thats only when Hannah told me she left already. I knew I shouldve apologized to her way back, I just.Urgh. I cant even find the right words to say. Like, Oh hi Ava sorry for lying to you, but now can you pls forgive as to a kind person you are? Nope.

I actually even made a song for her, well partly. That part of the song she saw when she was at my house, once. I finished it around two weeks ago. The

I want to go back, forget that it's over
Painted in black, when you left me alone. I changed the lyrics up a bit so it wouldnt sound like it was directly to the story of my life. but this part was for Beth. I was completely what I thought, in love with her until I found out she slept with my bestfriend.
I never knew, she was sleeping next door,
With the kid I grew up with, and I can't go back to her
Anymore, no
trrying to get over her, but just being caught up with Ava along the way. I have always had feelings for Ava, so I guess it was Beth and ava at the same time. But my heart was telling Ava at the end.

Do you know the feeling of the person you're madly deeply inlove with, but shes madly deeply inlove with someone else? Worse part was that was my best friend.

Just as soon as she turned around, a big muscle bloke walked past me. Shit. You have got to be kidding me. When he went past me, there was no Ava in sight.

At one point, I wanted to smack him and punch him so hard, but then again, Ill be crushed in one second.

I wish I had told her before she found it out herself, being more broken. I wish I told her that dare and how Beth is pregnant. I wish I told her thats why I didnt want Beth in my life, not because she was underaged and pregnant, but because she should'nt have done that to her best friend. I kept saying 'it wasnt my place to tell.' Now I regret every single word of that, because of it, I lost someone I loved. Someone that I loved when she loved somebody else.

I wish I had told her those words,

I love you.

But those three words are not easy to say.

~2 years later~


"NAT STOP IT!" I screamed, trying to stop laughing but I couldnt when he just cant stop tickling me.

"Nathan stop harrasing your grilfriend for god damn sake," the twins exclaimed in syn. Amazing right? They're like the ultimate twins fo the universe, they just think so close. Its all one brain.

"Fine. Its your fault for stealing my phone." Nat stuck his tounge out.

I stuck mine out, wiping the tear in the corner of my eyes from all the tears of joy, "Ha.Ha.Ha. Shut up." I teased.

"Ha.Ha.Ha. Shut up," he mocked my voice in extremely high pitch.

"You two are extra-ordinary," The twins exclaimed once again in sync, they looked at each other and high fived themselves.

"Nat and I can think a like too. Give us a category." I challenged.

The twins were reading each others mind, "Favourite food."

"Chocolate," I say at the same time as Nat, "Fro-Yo."

"Aw. Bumme-"

My milkshake bring all the boys to the yard.

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