A good man goes to war- finale

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"I heard her talking...this is a trap. Why would I lie to you?" Lorna questions.

Rory steps forward.

"Well, you might want to take a look at your uniform." He hisses.

"Oh and yours. Police officers?" Bella mutters to amy.

"Wasn't by choice." Amy pouts.

"The only reason I joined the Clerics was to meet the Doctor again." Lorna tells the group.

"You wanted to meet him, so you joined an army to fight him?" Jenny asks.

"Well, how else do you meet a great warrior?" Lorna stammers.

"He's not a warrior." Bella announces.

"Then why's he called the Doctor?" Lorna asks her.

The lights go out and Amy, Rory and Bella stand by the cot.

"It's starting. Please listen to me." Lorna announces.

"Confirmed. No life forms registering on this base, except us and the Silurians." Strax calls out.

"The Headless Monks aren't alive...they don't register as life forms." Lorna states.

A monk walks up behind a Silurian.


A lift opens and a monk emerges, shooting energy from his hand and killing the Silurian on guard. In the main area, a glowing light appears around the Tardis. Bella is holding Melody.

"What's that?" Bella exclaims.

Vastra approaches and reaches a hand out to touch it. She pulls it back at the energy she feels.

"Force field." Vastra states.

Amy and Rory are on alert. The monks begin chanting as they walk towards them. A loud noise is heard.

"And those are the doors... locking." Lorna states.

The monks pass the bodies of Silurians on the ground. The lifts are shut down.

"Apparently we're not leaving." Vastra says.

They hear the chanting.

"Is that the Monks?" Rory asks.

"Oh, dear God... that's the attack prayer." Dorium calls out.

"Girls, come with me. We have to get you to safety." Rory states.

"Quick, come on!" Amy tells Bella.

"What about the Doctor?" Bella questions.

"He's not here. But he will be fine." Amy tells her sister.

(Amy then leads bella away)

The monks have their swords out and charged. In another section of the room, Rory helps Bella, Amy and Melody hide behind crates.

"Rory, no offence to the others, but you let them all die first, OK?" Amy states.

"You're so Scottish." Amy replies.

Amy kisses him

"Stay safe, please." Bella tells Rory.

"Will do. You as well, though. And you little, Melody..." Rory states as he strokes melody's cheek.

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