March 25th, 1971

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The next day everyone but Don was packed and ready to go to the Sunset Strip for the weekend. Everytime one of the boys had a conversation with someone famous, it always ended with, "come on down to the strip." Everyone who was anyone loved the strip, it was a rock & roll paradise. 

The group arrived at the nearby airport were their label - Jones Brothers - gifted them with a stunningly massive brand new Boeing 720. Inside the walls were velvet red, with leather couches to match. There was a large bathroom with a five person tub, and in the back of the aircraft was a master bedroom, accompanied by a king sized bed. Jane's jaw dropped to the floor when she first walked in. It was absolutely incredible. The boys were over the moon, to celebrate as soon as the aircraft took off the bottles were popped, and the cocaine came out. At one point Charlie asked Jane if she wanted to join the mile high club. Jane rolled her eyes, but Will shot Charlie a wicked looked, making Charlie burst out in laughter. 

Jane left the main area to the bedroom where there was a telephone. Jane finally felt it was the time to call her parents. She sat on the bed next to the phone and pondered. What were they going to say? Were they going to come looking for her? Would they be disappointed in her? She picked up the phone, dialing the number she held her breath. The phone began to ring, then continue to ring. After awhile the ringing stopped and the voicemail picked up. Jane hung up the phone. She hung her head letting out a deep sigh. Of course they did not answer, she thought. When did they ever care enough to answer Jane's calls? Rarely, from as long as Jane could remember she never could reach her father directly, his assistant always answered. A five year old child could not just call her father, and now at twenty, still found herself wondering if she ever mattered to them at all. 

From the airport the group was transported to the very infamous hotel, the Continental Hyatt House. On the road there was plenty of debauchery and nihilism, but the Continental Hyatt House was the center of it all. Bands such as The Who, The Rolling Stones, and many more thrived during their stays, it was their rockstar kingdom. Once they entered the lobby Jane was taken back by the tens of young women waiting in the lobby. The press got wind of the boys coming to town for their break, Victor had to hire extra security. The group was quickly marched to the seventh floor. Jane handed out keys in the elevator and hurried everyone to their rooms. Unfortunately, the floor did not stay quiet for long, the groupies quickly flooded every room. Jane changed into a white flowing sundress, and let her hair down. She glanced at herself in the mirror, there were small dark circles embracing her eyes. She felt physically and mentally drained. She was constantly on the go, long days travelling and even longer nights celebrating for four weeks straight. She had no idea what they were even celebrating anymore. It became a routine of toasts every single night congratulating the boys, and they deserved it. However, after the celebrations stop are supposed to stop, one is to wallow in the glory in silence. But the celebrations never stopped, the groupies, the label, Dick kept feeding the boys with empowerment, and compliments. Jane was just trying to keep her head above water, keep herself at the same pace with everyone else, but she felt herself slipping, being pulled underwater. There was still three more months of the tour left, and Jane questioned her sanity by the end of it. 

Jane walked down the crowded hallway, she knocked on Charlie's door, she found it odd of Charlie to have his door closed. "Who is it?" She heard him shout beyond the door.

"It's Jane." 

Charlie opened the door, quickly letting her in. He was holding the phone to his ear, carrying the base in the other hand, and a cigarette balancing between his lips. Jane sat down quietly on the couch in the main room of his suite. Charlie paced around, smoking his cigarette. "Layla please listen to me. No I am here writing music. Nothing is going on with anyone." He took a long drag, he shot Jane a frown. She nodded, and headed out, outside of Charlie's room sat Will, surrounded by groupies, Henny, and Will's old friend Jeff Beck. Will looked up to see Jane, for once Will was having a good time. He decided to try and stay away from any bad habits he developed over the course of the tour. Somehow though he did not consider liquor to be a "bad habit". Will handed his friend Jeff his guitar and stood to greet Jane. "Hey." He said, leaning against the wall next to her. Jeff began to strum "it ain't me babe" by Bob Dylan. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2020 ⏰

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