Chapter 2

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After arriving at my house, I began frantically cleaning my house. I'm not usually this OCD. Everything in my house had to be perfect.
What if they see my pictures crooked? They'll surely think I'm to lazy to make them look nice.
I've also set out some lemonade... Wait, what if they don't like lemonade? Okay, I'll add orange juice, water, and milk. They should at least like one of them.
Around five, I ate a quick dinner. Then I fixed a fire in the fireplace in the living room. I must have a talent of making fire. It can be windy or my wood could be wet and I can still make a fire. In any survival situation, I'm the person to have.
After that, I walked along the staircase to the kitchen. I watered my little daisy in the window seal above the sink. The daisy grew very fast. It grew within a couple weeks.
I looked up from watering and listened. I heard the fire crackle loudly. Quietly, I grabbed a rolling pin from the counter and walked towards the living room. I rubbed against the staircase as I tiptoed along. When I was about to peer into the room, a teenage boy jumped in front of me. I panicked and tried hitting him with the rolling pin. He grabbed it in his hand.
He looked at the rolling pin and then at me. His dirty blonde hair kept gliding in front of his eyes. I stared at him confused and scared. "A rolling pin isn't the best weapon to use against an introducer. They can easily grab it and take it from your hands," the boy informed.
I ripped the rolling pin from his grasp and tried hitting him again. Like before, he caught it. "Hey, I'm not the enemy!" he burst out.
"You broke into my house!" I snapped.
"Well not really," he laughed, "That's not the point. I'm trying to protect you."
"So you broke into my house!"
"I didn't! And it seems you need more protection than I thought. Now I'm gonna let go. Don't hit me, I'm on your side."
He slowly let go. I pulled the rolling pen closer. I backed up quickly behind the table in the kitchen. He slowly walked into the kitchen on the opposite side of the table. "You've gotta believe me," he pleaded.
"How can I trust you? You didn't even have the curtsy to knock on the door!" I growled.
"Shh! You need to be quiet! They are watching you. I can't let them know I'm here," he quietly shushed me.
"Who?" I demanded.
"Look I'll explain later. Just stay out of the way and don't get taken by people wearing a white shirt and a black cover up, okay?"
"Great detail," I muttered.
"I don't have much time. They are closing in."
"How do I know you aren't some crazy guy who's going to kill me?"
He sighed and was about to speak when I heard creaking footsteps upstairs. My eyes widened and I looked at the boy. "Hide somewhere!" he demanded quietly.
He sprinted to the stairs and silently climbed them. I ran to the the hallway to my left. I was almost to the back door when it opened. Jeff and Billy walked inside. Both were wearing white shirts and a black coat. "Oh... Hi guys... You guys are early," I tried saying surprised instead of scared.
"Yea.. So what have you been up too?" Jeff asked.
"Oh my goodness. I've just been very busy. I've been doing... Well," I laughed and began counting on my fingers, "First, I did homework from school. Then I did chores and cleaned up the house a bit..."
Jeff looked at my hair curiously then plucked a short blonde hair from my hair. "Gryffin," he growled.
I laughed and then pretended to be thinking. Then I sprinted away from them, towards the kitchen. I ran through the kitchen and to the next room.
I found more people in white shirt and black coats. I screamed and ran back into the kitchen. That mistake made me become surrounded. I backed up onto the wall in the kitchen as more people gathered and got closer to me.
The boy with dirty blonde hair jumped from the stairs and landed in front of me. He arched forward and placed his hand to the side to show he was protecting me.
I stared at his hand, which was inches from my stomach. I pressed against the wall. Why was he so close? Why doesn't he realize his mistake and move away from me?
A man stepped out of the crowds. He wore a black fedora. He laughed, "Ahh Gryffin. Do you really think you can keep her away from us?"
Gryffin growled and whispered to me, "Got any real weapons?"
"A gun... In the living room," I whispered.
"Oh Gryffin, you have lost. You are surrounded." The man snickered.
Gryffin guided me along the wall and to the hallway leading to the back door and the living room. We both backed up into the living room and watched our step. I made sure to back up into the furniture that contained the gun. The man tempted, "Come on. Give up already. Hand the girl over and you can be free."
Gryffin sneered, "You and I both know you wouldn't let me live."
I opened up a drawer right behind me as quietly as I could. I reached for the gun, grabbed it, and then closed the drawer. Gryffin placed his hand behind him. I placed the gun in his palm.
He gripped the gun then began shooting at the people. He shot so fast that no one could grab their own guns.
Gryffin threw the gun to the floor and grabbed my hand. He pulled me out of the room and out the back door. "Get in!" He yelled as he got in the driver's seat of the car.
"Where's the keys?" He demanded.
I reached for the keys in my pocket and gave them to him. He started the car and zoomed out of the drive way backwards. He wheeled around and drove off on the highway.
I clutched the passenger's seat. He was pushing almost a hundred. That wasn't the only scary thing. He was going fast and driving along a curvy road on a cliff. If he wasn't careful, we'd ride down the mountains side or fall into the river below.
He was clenching his teeth and glaring at the road. "I'd feel much... Much safer if I was driving," I stated.
"You'll drive to slow," he muttered.
"I promise. Just let me drive."
He hesitated then pulled the car over. I ran to the drivers seat and waited for him to buckle up. "Go," he ordered.
"Buckle up first," I demanded.
He buckled up and I sped of down the road. I pushed 102 and tried not to seem afraid.
"So... What's your name?" I said trying to distract myself from the speed and curvy road.
"I'm Gryffin... With a "y"... That doesn't mean anything but... Yea..." He mumbled.
"I'm Raley... With a "r"..." I joked.
"I know your name," he snapped.
"And I know yours but that didn't stop me from asking."
Gryffin huffed and sat back in his seat. I sighed and watched the road. We slowed down twice for a couple accidents along the road. We sped down the road at 102.
After thirty minutes of driving, I asked, "Where are we going exactly?"
"If you are asking when we are going to stop... We will be at out destination when this road ends and leads into a dirt path," he answered.
I turned in his direction and gave him an annoyed look. Then something hit the windshield.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Hello readers! This is a long chapter so sorry for the longness! Anybody enjoying the story so far?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2014 ⏰

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