Chapter 1

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I believe fate is something that we can't always control. We don't know what will happen later in our lives, but we can always make goals towards what we want. Even then, we can never know what really is our fate.
The real world fate is unlike a fairy tell where the guy saves the girl or even ending with a happy ending. No, fate is much different. It can end in many different ways, good or bad.
Fate is is the end of the road or the other side of the mountain. We don't know our fate until it is happening before our eyes.
We sometimes find we never would have guessed how our fate came about. It's completely different from what we expected, but even then, sometimes it is a little how we expected it to be.
I believe we don't always predict our fate. Maybe a part of it, but never the whole outcome of our fate.
For me, I still do not know my fate, but I believe it lays within the mind and advanced math problems. Although I don't know for sure, I believe I will be very successful one day. I hope one day to be able to say, "This is my fate".
"That's time!" My professor yelled cupping his hand over his mouth.
I sighed a relief and glanced over my notes before getting up and turning it in. I exhaled as I sat back down in my seat.
"That wasn't so bad," Jeff, one of my fellow classmates, noted.
"Yes, except that I spent the first thirty minutes thinking about what I was gonna write!" I admitted.
"That's just 'cause you over think," Billy, another one of my classmates, teased.
"Cut her some slack, she's only a high schooler!" Jeff demanded.
"Yea, I know but I mean she's way ahead of most high schoolers and us! She should be on the top of her game," Billy claimed.
Jeff sighed and shook his head. I laughed under my breath. The bell rang and we all jumped up from our seats.
I started out the door and to the parking lot with my books and backpack.
"Hey Raley! Wait up!" Jeff yelled and ran to me with Billy on his heels.
"What is it?" I asked when they caught up to me and caught their breath.
"Well, you know how you mentioned your shed was falling apart and needed some fixing?" Jeff questioned.
"Yes," I responded.
"Billy and I aren't the best builders but we can help fix it for you. For free," Jeff explained.
"I don't want to cause you any trouble..." I began.
"No, no. It's fine. We'd love to help a friend out," Billy spoke up.
"Well... I see nothing wrong with it. When do you want to come over?" I remarked.
"Umm... How 'bout tonight after sixish?" Jeff pondered.
"That'll be fine," I reassured.
"We'll see you tonight then," Billy reported.
"Yea, see ya!" I said and turned back to the parking lot.
"See ya!" Billy and Jeff said in unison.
I walked to my car and got in. I threw all my stuff in the back and turned on the car. I took a deep breath in and said, "I don't like either of them. They are just coming to fix up the shed."
I haven't had visitors in forever. Well, ever since my parents died. I've been living alone in our little house in the woodland country.
I get money from scholarships and my relatives. They always send money to help me survive basically. I never moved away because there are so many good schools to go to here. The college and the high school I go to are top notch. According to me at least.
I also never left because this is where I grew up. I'll never leave.
I started the car headed for home.

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