Part 3

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Ricky's POV

"Welcome, devoted cast and crew members," Miss Jenn says. "Please take your seats."

Today is the first read-through. I came here with big Red, and I've been trying to practice what he said about just being supportive for Gina and not worrying about Nini, but when I see her go sit down behind the nameplate of the Featherduster, I'm reminded of how I wish she were playing Belle. 

Right as Gina sits down in the desk beside mine, Miss Jenn gets our attention again and tells us all to take the hands of our neighbours. Gina holds hers out, and I hesitate to take it, but when I do, it's nothing special. It's just a hand. It's just not Nini's. 

Miss Jenn begins singing "Beauty and the Beast" while we all listen. She stretches out every note, resulting in the song being way longer than it should be—like six minutes—but we all wait for her to be done. Once she is, Natalie Bagley starts reading the first stage direction, and I get ready for my character to come in. When Gina starts talking for Belle, part of me is still a little caught off guard, but nobody else seems fazed. I guess nobody else should be. 

"Okay," Miss Jenn says halfway through. "Let's take a five. Get some water. Go to the washroom. Whatever you need."

My focus immediately swings toward Nini, so she's the first person I go talk to. 

"Hey," I say. "Um, you're doing good, like, with the reading."

She actually smiles today, letting me know that she's feeling better about the musical now. I guess I should feel better too. 

"Thanks, Ricky," she replies. "And you too. You've definitely become real theatre kid."

"Yeah, I don't know," I mutter. "I think I would rather have you beside me. Might help me be more comfortable."

"Well, you have Big Red," she says cheerfully. 

"Right, but—" I hesitate to find the words for a second "—I mean as Belle. You know, I just think I'm better when you're around."

She just looks at me for a moment with glowing eyes and sad eyebrows before responding, "Well, you know if you ever want my help, you can just ask."

"Thanks, Nini."

Our eyes stay together for a moment, and I feel the weight of the moment pressing down on my lungs, making me need more air than normal, but that ends when Miss Jenn claps for our attention again. 

"Okay! Let's get back to work!" she orders. 

Natalie sets the scene again, and everyone gets back into character. When we finally finish, I'm ready to go home. Reading those scenes with Gina just felt weird. As soon as Miss Jenn bids us farewell, I pick up my backpack and start toward the door, but then I hear the drama teacher call my name. 

"Uh, Ricky and Gina!"

I stop and pivot on my heels. Gina turns from where she was talking with Ashlyn, just as surprised. 

"Can you two stay a bit longer?" Miss Jenn asks. "I want to just run a scene again."

"Uh, sure," I reply. 

As everyone else flows out of the room, Gina and I flip to the page of our scripts that Miss Jenn directs us to. Right away, I catch on to what she's trying to do. She tried to do this with me and Nini last musical, but last musical I didn't mind it. 

"This is literally just two lines and a kiss," I say. 

Gina's just standing awkwardly, looking between me and Miss Jenn. 

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