Chapter Eight: Miley

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"Seth, what is this?" I held up the water bottle filled with yellowish liquid up.

"Apple juice...?" He weakly suggested.

"You're drinking."

"No, I'm not!"

"What would Mom have to say about this?"

"Okay, okay, I was! I'm sorry!" He sighed. "I just-"

I dumped the liquid out and dropped the water bottle on the floor.

"You know Sam doesn't like his precious pack members drinking."

"I'm not technically-"

"Not officially, Seth. But Sam worries about you. You could get into trouble, and Jake might not be able to help you." I told him. "I worry about you, Seth. It's not normal for a werewolf to take a liking to a vampire, much less multiple of them."

He pushed me against the wall. "Carlisle and his family have done nothing wrong, Miley! They have as much right to be here as we do!"

"Here, Seth, is the home of innocent Quileutes, and if it weren't for the vampires we would be living normal lives!" I pushed him off me and ran past him.

I shifted, not even caring that the clothes Kim bought me were shredded up now. I let out a mournful howl and tore through the trees, making me way to Emily's.

Miley, are you all right? Sam asked me.

I just talked to Seth. And Sam, he doesn't... he's too attached to the Cullens. It's not healthy... I replied.

He'll come around, Miley. La Push is his home, he's always welcome back into our pack. Sam told me. Jake may have been born to be alpha, but it's a tough job. He'll back down sooner or later.

I cut the connection once I was in Emily's lawn. Paul was sitting on the porch with Rebbeca Black...and they were kissing.

Leah? Jarry? Even the voice in my head cracked. I...I need to talk. I just saw...

"Miles!" Paul shouted and waved me over.

I looked at him in disappointment. I whimpered loudly and turned around. I ran through the forest, to the beach.

Miley, are you okay? What happened? Jared asked me.

Talk to us, Smiles. Leah said in a comforting tone. What's wrong?

Paul and Rebecca were kissing on the porch of Emily's house. I knew that if I was in human form, I'd be crying now. He has a daughter goddamn it!

I'm gonna kill him, Jared howled into the sky. Miley, where are you?
The First Beach, I replied.

Paul came over to me. I realized he was there. "I don't know what you saw, Miley."

I phased back. I slipped the shorts and shirt he had brought in. "You were kissing Rebecca, Paul." My voice cracked and the tears started falling. "I saw you kissing my best friend's sister!"

"Yes I was kissing her but-"

"We have a daughter, Paul!" I sobbed into my legs.

"I think we should take a break." Paul suddenly said. "I'll go to Seattle with Becca and you can stay here. I'll take JJ-"

"No. Jared isn't going anywhere with Rebecca Black or you." I hissed. "She's staying here with me."

"You're taking this too serious-"

"Miley said JJ isn't going," Jared growled. "My niece isn't going anywhere with the man who hurt Miley."

"You have no say in this, Cameron!"

"He may not, Lahore, but I do." Leah snarled. "You hurt my sister. You don't deserve to be in JJ's life."

"You're calling me a whore?"

"Nooo," she said sarcastically. "You only cheated on the mother of your child with Rebbeca fucking Black!"

They both started shaking and yelling at each other.

"Stop! Or none of you will be in JJ's life!" I screamed.

They silenced and Paul walked away, taking my heart with him.

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