Chapter Three: Jared

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Miley and Paul came in, hand-in-hand. Paul was smiling like an idiot and Miley kept leaning into him.

"Did you tell her?" Sam asked in a serious tone, ruining the moment of happiness.

"Yeah," Paul replied bluntly. "She's fine with it."

"You're supposed to wait-"

"Screw the rules, Sam! She grew up hearing the 'old legends.' Why hear about them again and guess for months on end why I invited her?" Paul yelled. "I'm not gonna make her be like Emily!"

Sam slapped Paul. "Don't. Talk. About. My. Wife. Like. That."

Paul started shaking, his face was contorted in anger.

"Jared, get Miley out of here." Paul growled.

Miley grabbed Paul by his neck and pulled him outside. She pushed him down the porch steps the way an angry owner would lock their dog in a room for peeing on the carpet.

Paul's shirts ripped and he growled at Sam, who I just noticed standing beside me. Paul lunged toward me, Miley screamed and pushed me out of the way.

Paul was growling and had human-Sam pinned to the porch steps.

"Paul Lahote!" Miley yelled angrily. "Stop it! You're hurting him!"

I slipped my shorts off and phased. I pushed Paul off of Sam. Don't do anything you'll regret, Paul. I told him. It always comes back to bite you in the ass. Especially with Sam.

Shut up, Cameron. Paul growled.

"Paul! You're scaring her! Quit growling like you're about to kill someone!" Emily shouted forcefully.

Paul and I both looked up, Miley had gone inside. Em looked furious, Sam looked very disappointed.

I picked my shorts up between my teeth and ran to the side of the house and phased back. Paul was standing with nothing but a shirt covering his private areas. Sam's shirt.

"Way to go, buddy." I clapped sarcastically. "Not even a day and you've already scared her."

He shook his head as Emily brought him a pair of Sam's shorts. "I know." His voice cracked.

We went inside and Miley was waiting for us in the kitchen.

"Paul Alexander Lahote!" She yelled. "You have explaining to do!" She slapped him and Paul winced. "Come on, you're coming with me!"

His face radiated pain and Miley pulled him outside by his ears.

"Think he'll be okay?" I asked.

"He'll be fine," Emily replied.

"He's in good hands." Sam chuckled as the darkness of night swallowed Paul and Miley.


"Yeah, he really is." I fought the laughter that threatened to bubble over.

Paul and Miley returned lunch time the next day. Miley had glared at him and told him to say it.

Paul had stood in front of Sam, looking him in the eyes. "I'm very sorry, Sam. I didn't mean any harm last night. It was not my intention to insult Emily, or to make you mad. I didn't want to hurt anyone, or ruin Emily's nice living room. I hope you'll forgive me."

I could tell by how straight his back was, that Miley had put him up to this.

"That wasn't needed, Paul." Sam said, half-hugging Paul.

"She thought it was," Paul nodded toward Miley. "She lectured me all night about how importance of family is important to the pack, and that there shouldn't be conflict within it because danger could surface and we'd be too busy being mad at each other to concentrate on the task at hand."

"Using big words, now, are we?" I asked.

"Her words, not mine." He replied.

"We're going to my mother's to bake cookies. Who's coming?" Miley said.

"Is Sue okay with it?" Sam asked.

"Yeah. I just got off the phone with her. She left some supplies out for Miley to make for you three. She's over at Billy's watching the game with Harry." Emily told us.

Paul had insisted that Miley sit on his back. He'd phased for her and they took off towards the Clearwaters' house. Emily and Sam had done the same thing and I had no choice but to follow suit.

I sat on their porch while everyone else went inside.

The neighbors across the street stared at me and picked up their phone.

I heard Miley's cell phone ring and heard her say hello.

"Mrs. Call, it's fine." Miley came out and pet my ears. "He's Sam's dog."

I nuzzled into her and licked her hand.

"My parents went over to Billy's, they didn't want to leave me alone so Sam and Ems came over with their dog to keep me company." She waved at Embry's mom across the street. "Goodnight, Ms. Call. I'll be sure to call if I need anything. I promise."

Once the woman closed her curtain, Miley smacked my head.

What was that for!? I thought furiously. I barked at her, the tone of it saying it all.

"You're coming inside, Jarry, wolf or not." She smacked my head again.

I whined and followed her inside.

I went behind the couch and phased back. I slipped my shorts on and joined everyone in the living room. "It's Jared, Miley. Not Jarry."

"She knows you, Jared. It would have been obvious if I said 'Jared.'" She replied. "Besides, Jarry suits your wolf form."

"She's not wrong," Emily chuckled.

I shook my head and sat down.

"What's going on?" Seth came in. "Where are Mom and Dad?"

"At Billy's watching the game." Miley replied.

Seth looked at me and shook his head. He had a pained look in his eyes, and the entire expression on his face said: You're hanging out with my sister but not me?

Paul and I had just left Seth behind when we phased. It wasn't because we had to-I missed the kid. It was a rule that we had to. We'd get him back if he had the gene.

"I'm going to bed." Seth said. "Have fun with your friends."

We miss your jokes more than you think, Seth. Just be patient.

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