Go Play Fetch

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Joey stood in the spacious, clean kitchen of the Kaiba mansion as he usually did, whisking some eggs and flour in a large bowl in his arms. A bag of wheat flour sat to his right with a bowl of bread crumbs to his left. It wasn't time for lunch yet, but he wanted to practice his cooking skills a bit with a few dish ideas that had sprouted in his head earlier that morning. And maybe they could serve as some side dishes for lunch. He knew that the Kaiba's wouldn't have any complaints about some extra food on their plates. So the blonde whisked away, holding the bowl of mixed egg whites tightly with an excited smile on his face.

Man, he adored cooking so much. He knew his true passion was dueling, but ever since he graduated, he's had less and less time to participate in tournaments like the good ol' days. Of course, cooking brought him a good amount of joy and sprouted his creativity, but dueling brought out that flare of showmanship that he wasn't able to express in cooking. At least back when he was just a freshman in high school with no real cooking supplies. But second and third year weren't so bad, it was fun back then. Back when it was just him, his bully friend Tristan, the ever-so-sassy Teá, and his best buddy Yugi. Along with the occasional plus ones, such as Mai, Bakura, or Duke. Even when his sister Serenity would tag along, he had a blast amount of fun, no matter the circumstance, world-ending or otherwise.


Joey frowned, pouting his lip in thought. His whisking went slow and his grip loosened around the bowl.

He thought about how he had the most fun whenever Kaiba tagged along with them.

Face getting warmer, the blonde stopped stirring and let his whisk sit in the bowl of egg whites, placing it back onto the counter in front of him. He stepped back and leaned against the island counter at the center of the kitchen, arms pressed against the counter in thought.

'Dueling was fun with Kaiba...' The boy thought, eyes closing with a soft hum.


"Duel me, Wheeler!"

Joey glanced up from his bento with a tired look, chopsticks in his mouth and a grain of rice on his cheek as he met the eyes of the boy that was interrupting them from a pretty interesting Duel Monsters chat. That boy being the great and almighty Seto Kaiba.

The blonde had been sitting next to his best bud, Yugi, at their desks in their empty homeroom class, having wanted to talk about some different dueling strategies in the rare absence of their other friends, Tristan and Teá, during their lunch break. Tristan was busy serving detention hours by doing community service and Teá was working overtime at dance practice, so they were free to hang out for a bit. But of course, Kaiba assumed the whole world would set down a red carpet wherever he walked, and didn't care who he was interrupting.

Joey frowned, placing his now empty bento and chopsticks on his crisscrossed legs and crossing his arms.

"Not this again, Kaiba." The ex-delinquent groaned, closing his bento box and shoving it into his school bag, speaking with his accent thicker than ever. "You gotta let go, man. Yugi's let go now, I've been lettin' go, so you should too."

The brunette only clicked his tongue, moving to sit down in the seat in front of Joey's desk. He sat down with crossed legs, body facing to the side but eyes glaring directly at the blonde, an arm slouched over the chair's back. In that reclined arm, he held a deck of Duel Monsters cards.

"I'm not here to duel the shell of my rival," Kaiba clarified, a grimace following. "And I didn't ask for you to prod at me with your idiotic questions, mutt." The taller man hissed, nose wrinkling as if Joey was the ugliest duckling in the whole school. "I need to satisfy my itch to duel and dueling someone far weaker than me will suffice. I refuse to duel Yugi in his current state."

[REVAMP] A Fateful Encounter Under A Tree | Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan-FictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora