Chapter 6 : A dark war

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The old men was walking to Masons'painting stand. ,, Nice painting!» he said. ,,Thanks» said Mason. ,, How much does it cost?» the man asked. ,, 25 Dollars.» Mason said. Before the men was grabbing his money, he went to Harper. ,, I think his project is more worth than yours» he whispered to her. Harper became jealous. She left her stand, went to Mason and destroyed his painting. ,, What are you doing? Are you out of your mind?!» Mason yelled of panik. ,, I can't stand that you are gonna get paid and i not for my hard work ! » she ansewered and continued destroying his painting. Mason became mad but he didn't turned into a werwolf because it was still daylight. ,, You are gonna destroy mine and I am gonna destroy yours.» he said and crushed into Harpers stand. Alex and Jac were so confused. ,, I don't get it. » said Alex to Jack. ,, Harper actually could be never jealous like that and was always happy for the others work even when only they get the credit. Actually destroying other projects is my thing! » she said. ,, Do you think the old men is behind this?» Jack asked. Alex nodded her head. ,, I knew it has something to do with him. I think he is from a magical world like the wizard world but what is he?» While Harper and Mason were fighting, the others were running away from them. At last it was just Harper, Mason and the old men at the festival place. Harper and Mason continued destroying others projects too. The old men took of his costume. He had white hair, white skin, a violet suit with a black cravate and a black hat on the top. ,, It's just a normal old men » Jack said. ,,Wait for it » Alex told him. On the old men's back appeared black wings. He started to laugh evil. ,, Thats Gorog!» Alex said shocked. ,,Gorog?» asked Jack confused. Alex was wondering why Jack didn't know dark angels. ,, Should Ghosts not know dark angels?» Alex asked. ,, Yes but i just don't know who Gorog is. » he answered. ,, Aha» Alex said. ,, He is our biggest enemy. One time he made Justin evil by his influence. If he gets close to a person, then the person becomes evil too. » Gorog was callling Harper and Mason. ,,You two. Listen now to your master Gorog. I am your boss and your leader. You will join now in my dark angel army, but when you want to become a dark angel, you have to follow my plan until the end. Got it?» Gorog said. Harper and Mason were bowing down to him. ,,Yes master Gorog» they both respond and obeyed their new master. ,,Oh no! Harper and Mason are under his influence. We have to save them!» Alex said and was rushing to them but Jack grabbed her hand. ,,How are we supposed to save them? We can't touch anything and they can't hear or see us expect on halloween. » Jack said. Alex slamed her feet on the ground. ,,I can't believe this ! » She said. She was so upset that Gorog was taking her friends. ,,Was he excisting when you were alive?» Jack asked. ,,Yes!» said Alex. ,, I beat him with an little angel on the first time to save Justin. Thats why i became the wizard of the year!» Jack was wondered. ,, So thats how you became the wizard of the year. So after the fight, Gorog never showed up'» he asked Alex. She knew how she defeated Gorog. ,, Gorog trapped one day me, Justin and Harper in the hotel. Harper could escape because she was not a wizard. That only non wizards could escape was a little bit unfair for me but not that bad. A black hole appeared and Max came from it with a rope to save us. With the rope we could climb down the black hole and arrived at the wizard liar. At the end we three siblings combined our power to defeat Gorog and it worked pretty well. He never shwoed up again because his excistence was deleted. « she explained. Gorog was actually not excisting anymore when she was alive because he was already defeated but because she didn't excist, the fight has never happened. After her story, Jack and Alex followed Gorog to see what his plan was. Gorog was above them flying with his dark wings. Mason and Harper were on his back even when there was a long way to his castle. Gorog wanted to take the flight as a shortcut. It was stormy and rainy. Alex flew in his direction and tried to talk to Harper and Mason. ,, Mason! Harper! You are not evil. Don't let yourself fooled by this big fat bat ! He wants to join you on the bad side ! »She tried to communicate with them but they couldn't hear her at all. Finally they arrived the castle. It was like a normal castle but grey. Gorog stand in the middle and called his slaves or his army. ,,Hear me!» Gorog shout as the thunder and lightning appeared. ,, I found two more member who can support my evil plan. Make sure you don't let them escape!» The other dark angels were circeling around their boss and were holding Mason and Harper. ,, The wizards can't stop us this time. I dressed up and give all the wizards the advice to go on hawai on vacation. They share it with many other wizards that all have heard it. I made the price to hawai with my power so cheaper that everybody could go!» he explained. Alex and Jack realized that her family could fly to hawai not because they were without Alex one less, it's because Gorog made the trip on purpose cheaper. Gorog continued his speech : ,, For now that the wizard are on hawai. I sent a octopus monster there to see if the wizards could stop them. They defeated it. We will let them rest there, while we are gonna find one of their liars to go to the wizard world so we can take over the world.» He and the others were start to laugh as the thunders appeared. Alex and Jack realized now, that the world is in danger. ,,We have to fly back to hawai! I can't do magic anymore because i don't exist !» Alex said to Jack. ,,But how can you communicate with them ? They can't hear, touch and see us. We have to find another way!» Jack explained and that gaved Alex an idea: Justin could be maybe still a monster hunter. His detector spots every monster, even ghosts. When Justin could capture them, Alex could talk to him. She explained Jack her genius plan. ,,Thats a wonderful idea Alex ! » Alex started smiling and flipped her hair. ,, I know. I am an evil genius. I don't understand why my brother has become a monster hunter even when he is afraid of the dark and scary movies.» She said and started laughing, while she was on her way. They have arrived on the other side of the island. Near the pool were other customers or wizards enjoying their vacation but the russo family was nowhere to see. ,,Where are the eggheads ? » Alex said and was looking out for them. Jack was flying to look in the hotel rooms and Alex was flying outside. She saw the pool and tried to go in it for a second, but she couldn't touch the water and so she didn't become wet. A sound was seem to hear. It was Theresa who was shopping with her family at the hawai supermarket. ,,There they are! « Alex said and took Jack with her. Theresa was walking through the store and was looking all the time in the mirror. She always adores her own beauty. ,,If i had a daugher, she would be beautiful like me.» she said. Alex was staring at her. ,,Yeah, mom! What is a princess compared to a wife from a restaurant owner ? » While her mother was looking herself at the mirror, Justin and Max were looking for action figures. ,, Oh my god!» Justin screamed like he won a yacht. ,, Captain Jim Bob with a beach outfit! It's like a dream came true.» He and Max started to jump of happiness like little kids. ,,Is your brother Justin always like this?» Jack asked curious. ,,Yeah, he seems smart but is still childish. He still plays with dolls but he calls them action figures. He seems not to have a hobby ! » she explained. Jerry was looking for junk food recipes. He was standing in front of the fridge where there was tons of pizzas. When he was grabbing a tuna pizza, her wife Theresa threw it back. ,; What are you doing honey? I just want us not to starve.» Jerry said but his wife looked at him annoyed. ,,You are starved because you don't eat always my pizzas at home? Is that why you picked this'» Theresa asked and walked towards him. Jerry was feeling nervous and he shaked his head. ,,No! I love your cooking! Especialy Pizza. I couldn't eat it all of it because i gave it to poor kids.» he explained. Theresa was proud of him, kissed his checks and
continued looking. She grabbed a women product: Always. ,, I don't understand why she always grabs diapers for women.» Alex said and started laughing. Jack ignored her laugh and flew to Justin. Alex and Jack were looking at him but he didn't had the monster hunter detector on him. ,,Where does this dork have put his detector ? » Alex asked annoyed. They had to find it.

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