Chapter 1: The fight

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It was 6 o clock in the morning. Theresa, the mother, woke up to prepare breakfast for their kids. She was tired but excited that her kids are love the breakfast. She was making Justin's and Max's favourite breakfast: Salami sandwhiches. Its her sons favourite but Alex always hates it. Justin came upstairs in his pyjamas. ,, Good morning, mom ! » said Justin. When he was almost on his way to the bathroom, he saw the salami sandwhiches and stopped. ,, Yes!» he said ,, My favourite!» Justin went to the dinner table and was eating his breakfast. Max rushed upstairs because he heard Justin screaming. ,, Salami Sandwhiches! I was waiting for this moment all years!» said Max. Theresa was watching them. ,, Max! You haven't eat it for 1 week and not for years!» was she saying. Max realized: ,, Weeks? Wow, time got slower now.» was he saying. While the boys were eating, Theresa was looking for Alex. ,,Alex, where are you?» Alex got up from her bed and went downstairs. ,, Mom, don't disturb my beauty sleep! Without sleep i would look like Justin.» Justin heard it. Alex put her jacket on and was going outside. ,, Where are you going, Alex?» was Theresa confused. ,, I am going to a restaurant, because i hate Salami!» Theresa was getting a little bit upset. ,, No, Alex, you can't just replace every food which you don't like it with fast food.» was her mom explaining. ,, But mom! Salami Sandwhich is fast food and i am going to get me a fresh healthy salad. After Alex was leaving the house, Jerry came to eat his breakfast. He saw that Theresa was worried. ,,Whats wrong Theresa? Wait, ist Alex right?» Theresa was nooding. After the breakfast, Jerry got a Mail. It was alex test result from her biology test. The parents were shocked. She had a ,, D '' in her test. Alex improved in almost all subjects expect biology. Jerry hast o speak with Alex about it. After Alex appeared with magic in her house, Jerry went up to her. ,,Alex, could we talk with you about this » he was pointing to her test. ,,Sure ! » said Alex and sat on the couch. ,,Listen to me Alex. Your education is important. Can you explain to me why you didn't get a good mark on this test ? » When Alex was trying to explain, Justin and Max rushed to the living room. ,,Mom! Dad! Look what Alex has done to us!» was Justin saying. He showed them another mail from Mr. Laritate. He invited Alex parents to have a conversation between him and her parents for pranking her brothers and messing the school hall. ,,Alex, what did you do?» was Theresa asking. ,,Yeah! Alex tell them the truth!» said Max. Alex panicked and flashed herself in Harpers room. She saw that Harper was creating a new outfit. ,,Harper!» Alex scared Harper and she fell from her chair. ,, Alex, what are you doing here? I almost split up the outfit.... And my pants.» was she saying. ,,Harper i need your help. I pranked my brothers and i am in trouble right now.» Harper was sick this schoolday, thats why she didn't saw it. ,,What did you do?» was she asking. ,, Yesterday was picture day. When it was Justin's and Max's turn, i hid
a magic chocolate bomb and exploded it when the camera was shooting. They got dirty and the half oft the school hall got messy too.» was she explaining. ,,Ok Alex, but how did Mr. Laritate found out it was you? Oh, i got it, your brothers told him.» Alex was annoyed. ,,These eggheads are always the fun breaker.» She started laughing. ,,Alex, maybe you should go back to your parents and explain it, so they will see how responsible you are!» said Harper. Alex agreed and flashed herself back in her living room. When she came back, her parents were wathing TV. ,,Mom? Dad? I am ready to tell you what i did.» Jerry turned the TV off. ,,Now, you don't need to cause your brothers told us the whole story and you couldn't tell us by yourself. You got a bad mark, pranked your brothers, messed up the school hall. What else did you mess up?» was Jerry saying. Justin was fake coughing. ,, ( cough ) she used magic to wash the dishes! ( cough). Theresa stood up. ,,What? You didn't even do your chores by yourself? Why can't you just be like your brothers ? Even Max doesn't mess up often like you even when he experiments often with things.'' Theresa said. At that point Alex got really mad at her parents. ,, How many times did i tell you, not to compare me with my brothers ? You all don't appreaciate my successful things because you are just interested in Justin work ! When you think i only mess up your lives then i don't wanna be a part of your life ! » After these words, Alex flashed herself in her room. She swung her wand and used a spell: Put a lock on this door, the one who owns the room only touches the floor. This spell cause that only Alex can be in her own room and no one else. She was lying on her bed and was reading art magazines. ,,Always are my parents on Justin and Max's side. When they mess up, they get help and when i mess up, i get in trouble. « was she thinking. Alex was thinking on that her parents told her that she only causes a mess. It makes her feeling useless and not loved at all. ,, Okay, lets see. I will dissapear forever and hope that my family will have a better life without me. She took her wand and begun to speak a spell: My parents think i am blacklisted, so i wish i have never existed!» Her spell came true. Everything from her property dissapeared. A flash explosion happened. Her room, her paintings and her clothes dissapeared. Her family didn't know that she dissapeared herself from the world. They were letting her alone in her room for a moment, so she could calm herself down. After the spell, Alex woke up. She was lying in a wood. ,,Why am i in the wood? I thought i won't exist at all!» She said. ,, You are not exisiting.» someone said. Alex turned around to look who was speaking. ,, Don't worry little girl. I am not gonna hurt you at all.» the person spoke. He showed himself. It was the ghost from her halloween festival which Justin was afraid of. It was Jack who helped her to scare the kids away.

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