Chapter 1

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I didn't realize that Yael and I have been talking for quite a while about the unexpected chances of us bumping into each other at a very unlikely place. He hands me a drink which reminds me of Nic. Apparently, the social butterfly that she is, she already made acquaintances. We exchange a look as she's sitting next to us interacting with strangers. 

Yael and I start exchanging opinions about the clubs such as which looks better, or more expensive, or has a better crowd. It's getting late but us talking about anything feels like the old days. The difference is that, looking at him, it does not sting anymore. It's great to see him talk about almost anything to the point I space out.

It just confirms that the reason I am affected with Arkin because he gives me this sense of uncertainty and excitement like I used to with Yael. Being the kind of person that I am, I usually get intrigued and affected by guys like them and now, it's certain that it's not working out for me. It's not healthy but somehow there's comfort of not knowing what it really is. Because maybe, it terrifies me. The fact that I am always looking forward to something, that I am building up to something exciting and thrilling... what if I get to that point of knowing that it's not like what I am expecting. It terrifies me that once I find out, it's actually ordinary. Or maybe not.

Another realization hit me, I finally see the pattern. The people I used to go out with after dating Yael, somehow they share similarities. That's because somehow there's this comforting feeling that is familiar. It's not really good but it's what I have been used to and I don't know what else it would be like if it's not that. Hah. I just realized what I said is a cry for help. I really should stop running around for guys like that. I should be with the one that is sure of me and that I am too. Yeah, I should but I'm not sure if I could and I would.

It hits midnight. Nic comes to me to tell me she's gonna go somewhere and asks me if I wanna go with her or not. I decided to stay so she bounces. Yael and I keep talking until one of us needs to go. It's him. You see, I don't hold on to people. Once they tell me they're leaving, I just let them. Well, it's the same with me. I leave whenever I want. I stayed in for a few more hours downing another bottle.

I start walking around. I am not really familiar with this place and I don't even know where my friends are. Now, I'm leaving this place by myself. After walking a few more blocks, I find a bus stop and there's already a bus so I get in. It's probably headed out of this place, I am not really sure. The dawn is almost breaking.

I find myself seated next to this guy. He looks familiar. I knew him by face but we never had an interaction. I think his name is Gab. I don't know, he looks like a Gab to me.

He starts talking to me, asking random things I know nothing about. So I just either nod or smile or say no. I guess, he recognizes me. He seems like a nice guy. He has that smile of a typical good guy. So innocent. He's as good as the time before sunrise. 

I'm tired and I reek of alcohol. This guy... he's just about to start his day, while I'm about to end mine. Or not. I'm not sure. I don't even know where this bus is going. But like I care. 

It got me thinking, was I out of the quiet interval or am I just starting to get out of it? 

All this time...all  that happened, are they the adventure I am looking forward to? It didn't feel like it but one thing's for sure, this quiet interval thing, it made me reflect and discover a lot. 

So I guess, the story's just about to start. 

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