Someplace to call HOME

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"Jace!," maryse yelled from maxs's room. "I'm in here!" she yells. I walk hand in hand with clary. she was wobbling on her feet. "mom. this is clary." I say stepping to the side so maryse could see her. That's when her eyes roll back in her head and she begins to fall. before she can hit the floor I have her in my arms, her head against my chest as her own chest rises swiftly. "mom. what do we do ?"

"Um take her in your room...and put her to bed for now. I'll call Magnus and ask him to see what's wrong with her." (Magnus is a girl. And Alec's gay or so he thinks till he meets Magnus.)
I take clary to my room bridal style and put her on my bed before going and making us some cheese sandwiches and got a couple of apples from the bin in the kitchen. Then I went back to my room and shook clary's shoulders a little till she opened her eyes. When she opened her eyes I pulled her into a sitting position on my bed and handed her a sandwich, which she looked at warily but soon enough took a small bite and began to devour the sandwich. She she finished I handed her an apple that I had cut into eighths with the carving nice I carried in my belt sheath. I took the other sandwich and began eating. I did this all while watching this strange creature eat. She's beautiful. Wait...what? No that's not possible. I thought I had just heard something but I looked up and no one else was in the room. So I went back to eating but then I heard it again. Help!
Came a voice from the back of my mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2015 ⏰

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