Hot damn I want to be that juice box

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Just as I finished tying my hair tie around the end of my braid I heard a loud knocking on the door and the only thought that came to mind was "Oh my god please don't be Shawn, any one but Shawn."

You see there was nothing wrong with Shawn and he was nothing but kind to me, but I honestly wasn't in the mood for people today.

Rolling off of my bed and onto the ground I crawl over towards the door and gently push the nob down, pulling it open before spotting black pair of familiar converse, they where Shawn's.

Listening to his familiar chuckle I look up, my tongue smoothing over my lips as I smooth my hair down.

"Did you roll over here?" Shawn asked as he side stepped around me and into the room.

"As a matter of fact I did, and it was great." With a small smile I crawl back over to my bed before pulling myself up.

"What are you doing over here?" I ask as my eyebrows raise.

"I got bored and I thought Matt was here." He responded with a nonchalant shrug.

"Well as you can see he is not." Wildly gesturing my arms around I let a laugh pass my lips.

"Well, let's go find him." Shawn extended his hands out towards me before he tugged my up to stand.

Quickly grabbing the first sweatshirt I saw I tugged it on over my head and slipped my arms through the holes before guiding Shawn out of the room.

"Who's sweatshirt is that?" Shawn asked as his head tilted to the side, his arms folded over his chest as he glanced over my outfit.

Quickly glancing down at the extremely large sweatshirt I crinkle up my nose, my words soft. "I really don't know, it's either Matthew's or Cameron's."

Shawn just simply nodded as we continued down the hallway in silence, the awkwardness slowly killing me.

"So where to first?" I ask in an attempt to break the silence.

"Lobby first, then we'll look in the dining hall." He replied with a bright smile, his arms swaying at his sides.

"Well look at that, guess we won't have to go any further." Slowly coming to a stop as I see Matt's features I smile happily to myself, my cheeks warming up slightly.

"Bells, Shawn!" Matt cried out before running over to us, first picking me up in his arms and spinning me around as his lips press to my forehead before he sets me down, he then moved over to Shawn and embraced him tightly.

"That was all a bit dramatic don't you think?" I laugh out as I watch the two boys embrace.

"Is Bella jealous." Shawn cooed as he slowly made his way towards me with Matt, both of them then proceeding to hug me tightly.

"You wish." I gasp out breathily, my arms pressing up against my chest.

As they released me I took in a deep breath, my face now red in embarrassment. In that moment Matt took my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze a reassuring smile playing on his rosy lips.

"Bells has nothing to be worried about, she knows I'm all hers." Matt jokes, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

"Oh yes, all mine. You make me so very happy." I play along, my gaze meeting his as I bat my eyelashes.

Matt slowly licked his lips before leaning down closer to me, our gaze still connected as he continues to move closer, our lips brushing for a brief moment before Shawn clears his throat.

"Excuse me yeah, I don't mean to interrupt but this juice box is more interesting than you." Shawn said awkwardly as he raised up a Caprice Sun.

"Hot damn, I want to be that juice box." Matt stuttered, his eyes widening.

"We'll then let's go get you one." I say hesitantly.

I'm sorry that took so long to publish, I'm also sorry it sucked. I didn't know what to write and yeah sorry.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 01, 2015 ⏰

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