36. PrettyMuch

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Two weeks ago you got into a serious car accident.
You're currently laying in the hospital, recovering from your injuries.

"I heard about the car accident with y/n. I know that you guys are very close and if I'm right you even live together. How is she and how are you all?" the interviewer asks.

You can immediately see the face expressions of the boys change.

Brandon nods his head.
"We do live together yes. She is doing better than a couple days ago, but she has serious injuries, so it will take a while for her to heal completely."

"It's a hard and difficult situation but we are trying to be strong for her. She's already in too much pain and if she sees our pain it will only hurt her more." Austin explains.

"Is it true that the accident was caused by a drunk driver?"

Austin nods.
"Yes, it is. It's terrible. People are just so incredibly stupid."

"She's been in the hospital for about two weeks now because of that motherfucker. I swear if I ever see him I'll-" Nick adds.

Before Nick can finish his sentence Edwin quickly cuts him off.
"Okay let's not say things we'll regret later."

"It's a hard time but I know she will get through it and so will we. Y/n is the strongest person we know. She's been through so much already." Edwin adds.

The interviewer nods in understanding.

"Zion, you haven't said anything yet. Do you got anything to add?"

Zion's head lifts up for the first time in the interview.

"It's just hard not to have her around. She has always been the sunshine in our lives. Now she isn't home anymore we have got to keep our heads up ourselves and it is just difficult. I just feel so bad for her and I fucking miss her."

Brandon throws his arm over Z his shoulder.
"Like Edwin says, she will get through this and so will we. We're going to do this together."

"Y/n if you see this. We love and miss you." Nick says to the camera.

The boys nod in agreement as they all blow kisses to the camera.

Sorry this one is kinda sad
I guess my period is making me depressed lol

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