On the Cliffs of Havenfield

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Her blonde hair whipped around her face in the wind. Blonde wisps slashed at her face. 

She didn't feel it. Pain was something normal for Sophie. 

She had lost to many times. Fallen and could barely get up. Been betrayed by those she thought were the ones to stand with her. Again and again she had lost. Again and again she had thought that she was enough. Wasn't she the Moonlark? Wasn't she the one that was supposed to end all of this? 

"Foster!" someone shouted. She knew who it was, but she didn't turn around.  How had he known where she was? 

"Sophie!" he shouted again. Keefe ran up the green hill, his cape whipped about him.  He stood behind her, noticing her shoulders were shaking.  Keefe resisted the urge to reach out to her. Take her in his arms. 

But she didn't even turn around. 

A whisper, came from her parted lips. Keefe barely caught it as it ran away on the wind. 

"I'm not strong enough." Those four words, full of pain, full of regret, full of betrayal. She was betraying herself. Her friends. Everyone who had worked so hard to get her where she was. But she wasn't strong enough. Wasn't strong enough to continue. 

"I'm not strong enough," she repeated, saying it louder this time.  Keefe laughed. Sophie finally looked at him, her face pale. 

"Oh, Foster, when are you going to realize that none of us are strong enough?" He stood beside her, looking out on the crashing waves. "When are you going to realize that we don't have to be strong enough? Strength doesn't lie just within you alone. It lies in all of us." 

She turned her large brown eyes to him, the gold specks sparkling from the tears falling onto her soft cheeks.  Keefe reached up and smudged them away.  

"Keefe..." she said, the tears coming faster. Then she jumped into his arms, clutching his neck tightly. "What did I ever do to deserve you?" Keefe wrapped his arms around her, sinking into the soft grass. 

"Actually, Foster, it's the other way around," he whispered into her hair. Sophie pulled away, a smile on her mouth. 

"How did you know to come?" she asked, studying his dazzling blue eyes. 

"My batman senses were tingling. Never question the powers of Lord Hunkyhair." 

"Okay, I won't," she said and buried her head in his chest. 

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