The Fates

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"Really Atropos," Clotho said with a shake of her head. "Was that necessary?"

Looking up from the scrying pool, Atropos gave her sister a questioning look. "They are soulmates, Clotho. The only way they can be together is if they are both souls."

"I know that," Clotho said with a wave of her hand. "Did you have to use so much fire and twisted metal to get the job done?"

"Oh," Glancing down at the wreckage that reflected within the depths of the pool, she shrugged. "Well, I wanted to be sure. These humans can be surprisingly resilient."

Lachesis nodded her agreement without looking up from her task as she looped the twin threads over the blades of her shears. Snip. The two halves fluttered to the ground to join the day's growing pile.

Around the room the sisters all nodded, mumbling their acquiescence.

With a wave of her hand over the top of the rippling pool, Atropos cleared the scene and turned the water to glass once more before calling up a new vision. Clotho resumed spinning her thread, and the gentle air was once more filled with the soft snip of Lachesis's shears.

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