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Over the next two weeks, a day didn't go by without Mary waking up to a message from Tom and his voice in her ear at night. Not to mention the dozens of texts they sent each other throughout the day.

Her initial nervousness at meeting him face to face quickly turned to eager excitement as she counted down the days.

Until finally it was the night before.

"I can't believe you're in my city right now." Mary sighed into her phone. She was curled up in her bed, snuggled under the down comforter with the room lit with the twinkling fairy lights. While across the city Tom was stretched out in his hotel room. The heavily starched sheets pulled across his body.

"If it wasn't so late I'd invite you to come over." Tom breathed into her ear. Her eyes went to the glow of her bedside clock. It was nearly 11 o'clock, and they both had an early morning.

"If it wasn't so late, I'd already be there." She whispered back. Then louder, she said. "It's just one more day. Less than that, even. I can wait."

Tom's voice was a low rumble on the other end, "I'm not sure if I can say the same."

His words sent a rush of gooseflesh across her skin. Closing her eyes, Mary let the feeling wash over her. Up and down her arms and legs and then across her stomach to where it spread to more sensitive parts of her. She swallowed past the lump that suddenly formed in her throat. "So," her voice dropped low and her fingers played with the edge of the blanket tucked up under her chin. "Have you given much thought to what you'd like to do after we have dinner?"

"Hmmmmmm," Tom's voice rumbled through the phone and against her ear. "I'm afraid it will be too late to do much sightseeing, however, my company set me up in a ridiculously nice hotel for my short stay here. It would be a shame to waste such fine accommodations. Unless, you'd like to show me your place?"

My place or yours? A shiver ran down Mary's spine at what he was insinuating.

"Let's just play that by ear." Too bad his flight left early the following day, and his entire trip had been booked solid with meetings, leaving them only the one evening free to meet up.

There is no hurry. Mary reminded herself. We have our entire lives to get to know each other. That is if tomorrow night goes well. And if it did? Well, she had some vacation time safed up and a nicely padded savings account. She'd always wanted to see the west coat. Next time, she might visit him on his turf.

"I can't wait to see you tomorrow." Tom's voice was softer now, sleep heavy.

"Me either. Get some sleep, then it'll be tomorrow that much sooner."

He laughed, the sound slow and soft with sleep. "Just like trying to sleep the night before Christmas. You just might be the best present I've ever gotten."

"Same. Goodnight Tom."

"G'night my New York Mary."

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