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When they finally arrived in London, the sun was only beginning to rise above the clouds. They had driven through the night, only stopping once to fill up the tank. John had made sure she got no sleep, regaling her with stories from their weeks Bristol and the tracks there.

She laughed along with him and Arthur, but any sense of security was dashed from her as they came closer to the city. She could see smoke rising over the horizon and the roads were already filled with motorcars as they made their way into the heart of London.

Even in the dead of night, the city was alive- music streamed from alleyways and people danced along the sidewalks without a care. The buildings towered around them, closing in the roads like tunnels. She had never seen anything like them- they storied over the city, rising impossibly higher than they had when she had visited barely seven years earlier.

They finally pulled up the the Shelby's home. Tommy had briefly told her about it before he had left for Bristol- something about expansion, but that was all she could remember.

The house was new to them and easily one the most impressive homes Rose had ever seen. The white-bricked Victorian mansion sat right on the edge of Green park and even in the watery morning light, she could make out the beautifully trimmed windows and roof.

"Don't look so shocked, Rosie," Arthur smiled, seeing the look of awe on her face. "We told you business was good!"

Still, she almost couldn't believe it. Everything about it- from the strip of grass behind the perfect, wrought iron fence to the warm light that glowed from the drawing room window; it was so different from the coal-drenched bustle of Small Heath.

She didn't bother knocking as she pushed open the door, the smell of a fire in the hearth greeting them.

She followed the warmth to the drawing room, her heart catching in her throat when she remembered who she would see when she turned the corner.

He was sat low on the couch, the glass propped in his hand catching the light of the fire. She watched as a cigarette dangled from his lips, the smoke curling around his head like a sort of halo.

He didn't turn to greet her, but he put out his cigarette in the glass ashtray on the coffee table, a small smile curling on his lips.

"This is quite the house, Mr. Shelby," she said, leaning on the door frame.

He nodded, taking a deep sip from his drink.

"One of the finest this side of the Thames," he replied, his voice low and rumbling. John and Arthur were on the floor above- she could hear their echoing footsteps as they found their rooms.

He finally looked up at her and she felt her chest squeeze; she had missed him, but she had not realized just how much.

She scanned his face, a weight lifting off her shoulders when she saw no cuts or scrapes- just a small smile. He lifted his arm, motioning for her to join him.

She wasted no time, closing the door behind her before sitting on the small couch, tucking herself under his arm. She let out a sigh, leaning on him as he let his arm drape lazily across her shoulders.

There was a type of comfort with him she had never felt before- utter contentment as they sat in a moment of silence, the scent of smoke and his deep, woody, cologne filling her to the brim.

"I missed you," she said, gently pulling his face down to hers. They had only been apart for three weeks, but Rose realized as she kissed him that she never wanted to go that long again. It felt so right, so easy, as his arm slid around her waist, pulling her impossibly closer.

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