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October 12th, 1921

"So what do we do?"

"We have to catch them unawares," the second man hissed, pacing back and forth in the small, damp room in the back of a club in London. The pouring rain could barely be heard over the din of clinking glasses and the brassy music of the band.

"It's her we need to get rid of."


He lowered his voice to a whisper, checking the door before leaning towards the first man.

"Ever since she came into the picture, Boss says it's been success after bloody success. We take her out and we're in the clear. When she's gone, they're done for."

"I know all that, but how would we even do it?" the first man asked, his cigarettes burning dangerously close to his fingers. "She's always surrounded by her lackeys and we can't pretend she doesn't know her way around a gun-"

"You're idiots," a third voice rang as a man walked into the small room. The other two men stopped, the first one flicking his cigarette and stomping it with his heel.

"Pardon me, Sir?"

"Just be bloody careful, that's all you have to do. They're so high and mighty, there's no way they'll suspect anything brewing right under their fuckin' noses."

"But, Sir-"

"No, you listen here, you idiots. That bloody fuckin' woman has those men wrapped around her finger. They're comin' here and takin' our clubs, takin' our tracks, and even takin' our fuckin' whisky. We take her out and we take out their entire organization from the root, okay?"

"That's a good plan, Sir-"

The man scoffed, lighting a cigarette of his own before tucking the golden case back into his pocket.

"I bloody know it is. My name is the only one that needs to be whispered around this city. There is no way in rutting hell I am gonna let a bunch of midland gypsies take my fuckin' throne."

"When, Sir?"

There was a pause as the man thought, an adder's smile rising onto his lips- a predator who had just spotted his prey.

"Next Saturday," he nodded slowly. "We go in next Saturday and those Peaky Blinders won't know what fuckin' hit 'em."

June 21st, 1921 - FOUR MONTHS EARLIER

The kettle screamed as Rose collected the last of her dirty tools, piling them carefully on a tray. She put it down for a moment, pouring herself a cup of tea and watching the steam gently rise in the air.

She tried not to think about how long she had worked at the clinic or how many nights she had spent in the small back room of the clinic.

It felt like yesterday that she had stepped off the train and started a life in Birmingham, but it had been over a year since she had become a Peaky Blinder. Over a year since she had fallen in love and decided to stay in Small Heath.

But despite the long nights and strenuous days,  she knew it was all worth it. So wonderfully, terrifyingly, worth it.

The bell jingled above the clinic door and Rose let out a small sigh.

"The clinic is closed for the night," she called from the back room, putting down her teacup and moving the dirty supplies in the sink.

"If it's an emergency, I'll take a look; but if not, we open up again in the morning."

She walked into the main room of the clinic and almost laughed when she saw John and Arthur Shelby, the latter perched on the edge of her table with a grin on his lips.

"Oh it's a right emergency, Rosie," Arthur laughed, standing to greet her, "I haven't seen your pretty face in two weeks and that is much too long."

She laughed, closing the distance between them and pulling them both in to a tight hug.

"How was Bristol?" she asked as she let them go, untying her apron and hanging it on the back of the wooden chair.

The three brothers, leaving her and Ada behind, had gone to Bristol to sort out the racing tracks there. That's was all they had told her and all she wanted to know.

"Oh it was alright," John said, chuckling. "You know how business can get."

She looked them both over, searching for any injury.

"Always the nurse," Arthur teased, catching her gaze.

"We're not here for your healin' magic, Rosie," John said, twirling the toothpick that was hanging from his lips.

"So what are you here for?"

She motioned for them to follow as she walked to the backroom. They did, waiting by the door as she finished the washing up.

"We have a small request to ask ya," Arthur said, leaning against the door frame. He pulled a cigarette from his case, but paused when Rose sent a scathing glance his way. He raised his hands in surrender, tucking it back into his pocket.

"And what might that be?"

"Well you see-" Arthur started, but Rose cut him off.

"Cut the shit, Arthur. What is it you want me to do?"

John laughed, "You know, I'm not entirely sure being a Peaky Blinder has been a good influence on you, Nurse."

She stuck out her tongue at him before turning back to her dishes. They finally came in, and Arthur leaned against the sink, both of them standing on either side of her.

"There are some very important people that we have a very important business venture with," Arthur said, nodding at John.

"And we're pretty sure you might be more...their type," John smirked.

"So the plan is that you'll come with us and then, before you know it, deal closed."

Rose turned off the sink and dried her hands before turning to face them.

"When do we leave?"


"Where's Tommy?"

"He took the car from Bath. We'll meet him there."

She shook her head, a small smile curling on her lips. Her heart beat quickened in her chest.

"And where exactly are we going?"

Arthur smiled, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and walking her to the front door.

"How do you fancy a trip to London, love?"


Oh my goodness, I don't think I can even put into words how excited I am to write this story. The support has already been amazing and I appreciate it so much.

This first chapter is just a short taste ( very short, I know...I'm sorry!!), but there will be a new one soon and I'm honestly just ready to dive back into Rose's story.

I hope you like this chapter! Leave a comment if you think you know who it was that was making those plans at the beginning...

All the love,

Brynn xx

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