a conquest

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Elliott was waiting by the metro when I ascended the stairs.

"Hi," I said.

He smiled. "Candace cooked, now she had the time today." He said.

"Sounds amazing," I said. "What floor?"

"Fourth," he said. "But it's fine, we've got the space we need right now."

"I know that feeling," I said and followed Elliott across the street.

"We've invited one of Candace's friends as well, she's also new to Manhattan," he said. "She's probably around your age too."

I smiled. "Are you trying to give me a group of friends?"

"No," he said.

"But maybe you want to?"

He scrunched up his nose. "Maybe." He said.

We entered a building, went to the fourth floor and into a tiny flat. It reminded of my own, but this one had a living room that was slightly bigger.

The table was set for four persons, and there were two girls present already.

I could spot Candace from the picture Elliott had shown. She was petitie, not really tall, and with brown hair and blue eyes. Her friend, I assumed, was taller than me, body like a model and with afro hair. She had a slightly paler skin than Trisha, but it wasn't by much.

"Hi," Candace said and went to me. "Candace."

"Christina," I said.

"Nice to meet you," she said and looked back at her friend.

She was tall and thin, the friend. "Hi," She said. "Carolyn," she said.

"How do you know each other?" I asked. Elliott disappeared into the kitchen and appeared shortly afterwards with food.

"We met in high school," Carolyn said. "And then I act model for her when she needs someone."

I walked home alone. My head felt like a big question mark. Candace and Carolyn were both very nice, and Elliott seemed pleased it wasn't all about clothes.

And the conversation had changed to other subjects. Carolyn dated a guy, he was an artist, and who could barely make it through the day.

I didn't date anyone, and Elliott left to check his email.

That's when we reached the moment of truth.

Carolyn and Candace had both seen me with Alexander for those two events, charities, and Candace had slept with Alexander prior to her meeting Elliott.

Say what.

She didn't seem the type to want to have random one night stands. Quite the contrary. She seemed to be more the type to want a relationship. But maybe she hoped what everyone had hoped? That 'the bad guy' would fall for just you?

So I had this theory, based on having talked with her all night, that she had had a one night stand twice. Alexander was the first, Elliott was the second one.

What did it reveal about me that I wanted to hear Alexander tell me the same? We weren't dating, so I could ask him personal questions about other girls.

And he had listed all his negative traits regarding relationships. Not that I knew what to do about it, but I guess it was a start, in some sick way, that he was aware he had those issues. Right?

I unlocked my door and went into my flat and went straight to bed.

That was wild.

The conversation about sex had begun because Carolyn had mentioned something about her boyfriend – Darren.

I closed my eyes and pulled the comforter around me. It was weird! Just, weird!

Who had Alexander used that sleazy line with and gotten his way with?

Well, not me, but there had to be other than Candace?

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