Chapter 1

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Angelina Smith

15 years old

Golden eyes and reaper eyes (like kid's)

Hair is a dirty blonde color and she tends to keep most of it hidden with her cat ears under her cap.

(A/n her picture is shown)

Her personality is lovable. She can be get upset and stubborn at times.

She is a Meister neko who is capable of many things but she doesn't know it. when she is signed up at the DWMA she learns to love and have friends. she is short for her age and she does have OCD but it is not as bad as kid's but kid is an influence on her with her OCD.


Angelina's Pov~

I looked up at the DWMA.

"So this is The death weapon Meister academy?" I gasped.

I hid my teal white tipped tail under my cape wiping the tears from my eyes. I pulled my bag over my chest before running up the stairs.

"What a view." I gasped again as I made it up the stairs and turned around.

I noticed one part of my hair moved slightly to the right and sighed sitting down noticing someone had stolen my phone and mirror.

"Am I supposed to be left symmetrical." I shouted before pouting.

As if on cue, a boy who's hair held the 3 lines of zanzu. Everything about him was symmetrical. My eyes went wide as I flipped through a catalog noticing he was in DWMA weekly labeled as 'Death The Kid'.

"Hey, do you mind fixing my hair, its kinda asymmetric." I waved at him blowing my sorry excuse for symmetrical hair out of my face.

His eyes went wide as he wan over to me. I looked behind me to check if my tail was showing, luckily I was perfectly fine.

"I'm death the kid, nice to meet you." He held out his hand as I shook it. "Looks like your hair is asymmetric. I'll fix it all." He said pulling off my cap that his my ears.

His eyes shifted from me to my ears toy tail that had just been revealed. My eyes began to water up as I looked him in the eyes.

He looked startled but not scared. I turned to run towards the closest room that I could lock myself in. I sat there and cried until I couldn't cry any longer.

"I know mom warned me but I didn't listen." I wiped my eyes opening the door as 2 guys grabbed my arms and slammed me into a locker.

"Look at the pretty kitty, she's been hiding from us." They chuchled as I stayed silent. "Speak." They ordered.

I stayed silent but it was a wrong move. One turned into a weapon and they began to do a soul resonance. My eyes went wide as they went for their shot. I felt someone jump and grab me.

"Leave." His voice said.

"Death the Kid?" I mumbled opening my eyes as the bullies ran off.

"You alright?" He asked me.

I nodded then turned to run again as he grabbed my wrist.

"Why don't you stop running and be my friend." He looked at me holding out my cap.

I quickly slid it on saying, "Who would want to be friends with a freak..." I trailed off looking down.

"Us." He said pointing to another group of 6 students.

I recognized them. Maka Albarn. Soul 'Eater' Evans. Black Star. Tsubaki. Liz and Patty Thompson. My eyes went wide before a wide grin went across my face.

"What's your name?" Maka asked nicely.

"Angelina Smith." I said nervously.

"Nice to meet you." Tsubaki and Maka said along with Liz and Patty.

Soul looked at me blushing before looking away.

"Are you really a cat!" Black star shouted.

"Yes." I said startled at the question.

"Great now 2 cats to deal with." Soul said in his usual tone before.

"I'm more than a cat!" I shouted at him angrily turning away. "Kitty Chop!" I karate chopped him with my tail.

"I think you'll fit in just fine." Liz laughed as Soul sat in his emo corner and Black Star laughed at him.

I smiled taking off my cape revealing my tail. I walked with them to class. I decided to sit next to Maka and Kid since they have been so nice to me.

"Where is Stein?" Soul said kicking his feet over the desk.

A distant rolling could be heard as we spoke. I turned my head towards the door and tapped Maka.

"You hear that?" I asked her pointing towards the door.

"Oh no." She face palmed. "Stein." She said under her breath.

A man with grey smokey hair wearing glasses and a lab coat rolled in on an office chair. Oh and he had a large screw going through his head. I've seen worse.

"Today we are gonna direct." He said turning the screw, which made the sound of a clock ticking, till it finally made a final tick and he stopped.

(≧∇≦)/ time lasp from kawaii cats

I was beat after class. I felt all weird being around that man, and he had a bit of madness in him. I'm sure of it. I dragged my feet to my lonely apartment complex and stuck the key in the key hole of my door when I arrived.

"Welcome to death City!" The whole gang shouted as I swung my door open.

My eyes went wide and began to water as I smiled. We sat down and ate a big feast that Maka and Tsubaki prepared.

"I've never asked, are you a weapon or a meister?" Kid asked wiping his mouth with a napkin.

"Meister." I said as my eyes changed slightly green and I looked away as they changed back to gold.

Kid wrote something in a journal. He flipped it shut and stuck it in his jacket.

"Thanks a lot guys." I said to them.

"It was no problem." Patty said making a giraffe out of her food.

"Your one of us now." They smiled as we laughed the night away.

A/N: How did you like it? First chapter of the book! Im so excited!!!.

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