Chapter 10

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I kind of felt secretly happy for them getting time for us that I did my own happy dance.

Evan and I ran home like the wind. It was not every day our parents were so kind. At home, Mum and Dad said they would come in a few minutes and went to the attic. Probably to get the board games.

Evan nudged me. I looked at him.

"How bout a sorry for yesterday?"

"To who?"

"Dad. And Mum."


He looked at me pointedly.

"Okay. Okay. Fine."

I went to the attic with Evan to go and apologise.

When we went down, our parents weren't gathering the games. They were working on a table with serums and paperwork piled at the side.

Not work again, I thought.

On the table, wasn't work. Not at all. Three bodies lay unconscious. The three missing people. I fell to my knees. Our parents turned behind.

"Look. This isn't like what it looks."

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