Roleplay: How to make Avatars fun

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There was something that grabbed everyone's attention the most when Sonic Forces was leaking trailers and data to us.

We learned in the first trailer that Modern and Classic Sonic would be teaming up again against Eggman.

We also saw everything went downhill faster than Sonic could.

The city was in flames!

Death Egg Robots were everywhere!

It looked like all hell had broke loose!

Even the gray words for the slogan "Join the Resistance" set the tone.

This wasn't just your average "save the world" superhero thing....

....this was war and the near end of the world!

But despite all of that, it wasn't the biggest attention grabber.

Sure, majority of the video game community notices, but we all knew that couldn't just be it.

It was then hinted that a new character would join the franchise.

YouTube and other places exploded with theories as to who this character would be.

Some even suggested that it might just be Sonic Boom and SEGA was just teasing us.

But then the truth was revealed.

Enter the custom hero.

Also know as the Avatar.

This was what made Sonic Forces the most controversial game in the franchises history.

And that says a lot from the years of hating Sonic 06 and Boom Rise of Lyric!

It sounds nice at first, but you can also take it a bad way too.

After years of making millions of Sonic OCs, they throw this at us?!

The graveyard for forgotten OCs is about as big as a country!

Now we can make more characters that everyone will forget a year later!

I know that's hypocritical coming from me since 5 of my Sonic OCs were made on Forces

But at least I tried to keep a bare minimum so I could devote time to them.

If I kept making more OCs, you guys wouldn't have an OC to identify with me.

What made the Avatar weird is that it tried to justify war by using weapons that use Wisp energy.

Instead of using....I don't know....super powers, melee weapons and actual guns!

The Avatar levels did accomplish something though.

The different Wispons made different ways to travel through levels and fight the bosses.

Other than that, the Avatar was just there to have a nemesis relationship with Infinite, the new villain.

Infinite wasn't even the final enemy.

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