3: Sing

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Summary: Basically  Luke and Ashton meet at a rave and things just spiral from there.

Ashton really wasn't sure why he agreed to come with his friends to the loudest place outside of town but he didn't really complain out loud, knowing that the other two of the trio were most likely already far too drunk to even realize that he was even there anymore. In fact, the brunette is pretty sure that he already saw Michael walk out the front door with a very drunken Calum in his arms. Ashton really wasn't sure why they made him go to the rave in the first place considering that at the end of the night, his two friends would end up leaving with each other anyway.

He just shrugged, assuming that he'd get a ride with some stranger when he was ready to go. Usually he really did hate clubs, parties, or just about anything with any loud noises and a lot of alcohol and drugs but tonight, for some reason, he felt as if he were meant to be there. So he just ordered yet another drink for himself as he sat alone at the bar, watching all the other men and women dance along to some upbeat song he remembered hearing nearly ten freaking years ago.

It wasn't until a tall looking blonde boy sat next to him from where he was glaring at the label of his water bottle, that he finally looked up. It wasn't that he was angry, no, it's just that whenever the liquid substance entered his system, he seemed to zone out a lot, which really just made him even more upset. Michael and Calum never really wanted to be around a drunk Ashton Irwin because they never knew what the results would end up being whether he'd be dancing on the bar half naked or maybe he'd even get into a bar fight, but somehow they had agreed to take him out, -only to leave him alone in the end.

Ashton didn't blame them though, he knew that they really did care for him, they just got far too drunk and horny to care about anyone but themselves at the moment.

"Hey," The blue eyed beauty spoke, nodding at the bartender to refill his glass.

"Hi," Ashton muttered back, averting his eyes from looking at the man and to his bottle once again.

"You hold that thing any tighter and you're going to crush it," the younger of the two commented, watching as Ashton's knuckles began to regain their color again as he loosened his grip.

"I'm Luke by the way."

"Ashton," The shorted man replied, twisting in his seat to face the other man, "Nice to meet you."

"God, they're taking forever with my drink," Luke complained, dropping his head in his arms that were resting on the counter, even though it had only been a few meer moments.

So Ashton did what any other nice person would be and offered the other man his own drink. Luke took it with a raised eyebrow, sniffing the rim to know what it was before taking a sip and smiling at him, "tequila... thanks."

Next thing Ashton knew, both he and Luke were on the dance floor, dancing away to some remixed Katy Perry song. He knew that his mind was blinded by everything he had consumed but he didn't really care, he just wanted more. Luke however was already on his third drink, not to mention the bright colored pill he had taken himself.

The hazel eyed boy had trouble dancing, for he kept stumbling over his own two feet, his intoxicated state not really helping how clumsy he is, even on a regular daily basis.

The blond pulled Ashton to a sofa in the back, dropping the pacifier from his mouth before he began kissing the shorter boy. Neither one of the boys really knew how it happened but they honestly could care less. Ashton knew why his friends had brought him, they wanted him to let loose, have fun. And that's exactly what he planned to do.

Things soon turned heated and both men ended up inside Luke's tent that he had brought, knowing that he wouldn't be able to come home until he was sober. See, this wasn't a new thing to him, really he searched high and low for raves to show up and if there was't one nearby then he'd have to settle for a crazy, out of hand bar.

So the two boys then f*cked, not really caring about what anyone else thought, they just knew that they were happy with one another, and really, who knew that a small mistake such as this could lead into large future for the two men?


I'm really sorry that this is so short but I really didn't know how to end it... Sorry :/

X ~ Lashton Hemwin Oneshots✔️Where stories live. Discover now