4: Don't

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Summary: Ashton cheats on Luke with another person while they're still f-ck buddies and Luke isn't taking any of his sh-t, even when he comes crawling back.

u n e d i t e d


Luke really wasn't expecting to find himself in this situation, though no one really does. But yet, here he was with his long time friend in a hotel room cleaning up the mess they had made while said friend was in the shower. The blond rid the bed of the now c-m stained sheets before wadding them up and tossing them near the door for the maids to get before he began dressing himself once again.

It wasn't until Ashton exited the bathroom that he decided to look up from where he was packing his bag back up. He was originally in a different room, hell, he was even in the floor below. But when he got quite the naughty text from the hazel eyed male, he couldn't help but dash up the stairs and pin the other man to the bed.

"What're you doing?" Ashton asked him, mindlessly dropping the white towel that was wrapped around his waist and going to the dresser to grab some clothes to wear, out.

"I have a plane to catch in a few hours. My European tour starts Monday," Luke explained, shrugging the bag onto his shoulder.

"Oh... Well when will you be back? I'll be in America for a while," The honey haired singer asked, frowning as he buttoned his skinny jeans.

"Not too long, I'll be back before you know it," Luke told him, moving to the shorter boy and kissing his lips softly.

"O-Okay. I guess I'll see you then." Ashton mumbled, hugging the boy tightly. He hated when he and Luke weren't touring in the same country, that meant that they wouldn't be seeing each other during that time and he didn't like it one bit. It's not that Ashton was clingy or anything, he just hated being alone. And sure, he had the rest of his band and even his fans but it just wasn't the same. He wasn't as close to anyone as he was to Luke, not even his own family. Though, he assumes that many late nights filled with cuddles and s-x with Luke made them quite close to each other.

Luke kissed the other male's hairline before he turned, giving him one last wave and exiting the hotel room. He knew that he'd be gone for a few weeks but he didn't worry too much, he didn't expect Ashton to do anything other than wait for him. It's not like they were even together, per se, they just agreed to only sleep with each other for the time being. Or at least... That's what he thought.


Luke had it all planned out. He had bought the flowers, gotten the dinner reservations, he even put on the shirt he knew that Ashton loved on him, no matter how itchy it really was on him. However, when he walked into the club where he knew Ashton was, planning to surprise the boy by being back early, he hadn't planned on the hazel eyed boy to be making out with some guy with brightly colored hair.

The blond contemplated on whether he should go over there and break them up but when he saw Ashton pull the mystery boy to the front entrance, he knew that there would be no use. Ashton hadn't seen Luke, and even if he did, Luke's not so sure that he'd care.

It'd only been three weeks for god sake's! Luke thought that Ashton would wait for him as he always did. As they both always did! He didn't understand, couldn't fathom why Ashton would run off with some random kid!

He clenched his fists in anger, crushing the red roses he held in his grasp with the force., not even caring about the sharp thorns that pierced his skin. He shook his head as he stormed out of the club and walked down the street to the hotel he was currently staying at. In a fit of rage, he knocked the bucket of ice that held the champagne on the table in his room. He angrily threw the pillows off the bed, knocking down some of the unlit candles on the floor during the process.

Luke promised himself that he wouldn't cry. He had no reason to. It's not like he and Ashton were even dating! They just hung out and hooked up every time they saw each other. And so what if he was going to ask him out? Ashton didn't know that. He had gotten too deep, too invested in this relationship. But he couldn't help it. All the time they had spent together, cuddled up and watching television or hotly making out on the sofa. It made an impact on how he felt about Ashton.

It wasn't until two days later that Luke heard someone knock on his door frantically, their knuckles white and their cheeks tear stained. The blond really didn't want to answer the door, he wasn't even sure who it was but he assumed it would be his manager telling him to get out of bed. Really, he didn't care who was at the door, he just wanted to be left alone so that he could drink and sulk over his lost lover. But after another few minutes of relentless knocking, he stood, walking down the mini hallway and swinging the door open in frustration.

He was just about to slam the large, wooden door in the other male's face when he saw whom was really at the door. Ashton stood there, rose cheeks and red eyes glazed over in tears. He kept fidgeting with his hands awkwardly, and shifting his feet but he couldn't help it. The act was involuntary, something the man always did when he was nervous.

Luke cleared his throat, hoping that his voice wouldn't crack when he spoke. "What do you want?"

"I-... I'm already aware of the fact that you know what happened between me and Michael Clifford, and really I have no idea what I'm even supposed to say to you besides I'm sorry. Which, really, I am, I swear to god that I am but I don't really understand why you've been ignoring me. We're not even technically together. I assumed that you had been f-cking someone else, too." Ashton rambled, waving his arms about, slightly exaggerating the situation with his wild motions. He knew that his excuse was lame but his mind was spinning and his heart was pounding so hard against his chest that he couldn't think straight.

"Well good. I guess it doesn't matter then. You found someone else to f-ck with, Congratulations," Luke said back, going to shut the door once again, but Ashton pushed against it with his hand, stopping him.

"Please... I-I really am sorry," Ashton pleaded, looking up into those beautiful blue eyes that Ashton had fallen in love with long ago.

Luke turned and walked back to the bed silently, leaving Ashton, though he knew that he was going to be followed. The hazel eyed boy did just as Luke thought, trailing closely behind him. "I-I'm sorry..."

"I wasn't looking for a promise or commitment but it was never just fun and I thought you were different," Luke said, shaking his head.

"Please, I'll-I'll make it up to you," Ashton tried again, tears falling down his face.

"I-... I can't trust you anymore, Ashton! I waited for you and you told me that you'd do the same for me and you didn't!" Luke yelled in frustration, running his fingers through his blond hair.


"Just leave..." He cut the older male off, pointing towards the door that was left wide open.

Ashton contemplated trying to argue further with the blue eyed boy but he decided against it. He had hurt Luke, something he had promised he'd never do. Though he also promised that he'd wait on him, too... And that didn't exactly work out like he'd hoped it would. So he did exactly what Luke told him to. He left.

He didn't stop with Luke, returning to him constantly and hoping to mend their relationship but Luke never forgave him for what he did. He was heartbroken to say the least, and he never got close to Ashton again. He wanted to be loved... And he knew that Ashton couldn't give him that.

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