Chapter: 8

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The eighth month...

Prom season...

I have been talking to Ayden over the past months. His parents found out that I am pregnant and kicked him out. He found an apartment to live at.

He also got a job to pay for his apartment and his car. Plus the bills and everything else.

Anyways, I go over and hang out. We talk about everything. It's fun. We are just friends for right now. We agreed to take it slowly. Even though, We are getting closer. It's May, Prom. It's where everyone is getting asked or asking to go to prom.

As for me, I don't care about those things. But Cheyenne is so obsessed to be prom queen.

That is one of the difference we have. So, I am walking through the halls with Ayden, talking about something. When I see Morgan making fun of Cheyenne. She then takes Cheyenne's cream and holds it up for the whole school to see.

I walked over and said, "Do we have a problem here?" "No, Just showing the school, what kind of toothpaste Cheyenne uses."

"Oh really, so you think it's the best choice to pick on her?" "Well, why not? It's funny." "So, you think that it's funny being a teenage girl who is pregnant?" "Well, yeah." "Well here's what I think is funny." "What?" "This." I punched her and she gave back the cream.

I handed it to Van. He handed back to Cheyenne. "Here's your cream, honey." "It's toothpaste." She said frustrated. She stormed off, and I turned to Ayden. "Can you check on her?" "Sure." "Thanks." He stormed after her.

This boy from the chess club comes over to Me and Van. He told us about how Cheyenne was the only one on the cheerleading squad to show up. He wanted to help Cheyenne win prom queen.

So, Van started looking for the school's outcasts. He even promised them a party at home. He was determined to help Cheyenne and people loved the idea of being friends with Van.

I even asked, "Is this a good idea? Cheyenne is going to be mad." He didn't care. He knew being prom queen was important to her. So he did that for a week.

This Saturday is prom. I didn't really want to go. But, it will be fun to get out. So, me and Ayden are going to prom. I am with Cheyenne, mom, Kyra, and my mom's friend, Lori.

They are helping me pick out my dress. We looked around and find some for me to try on. I went into the dressing room.

I tried on so many and I then found one I liked. I walked out and showed them. They liked it and I loved it. So I went to changed back into my regular clothes.

We went to check out and I see Kyra upset. "What is wrong?" I asked. "Mom won't let me buy this skirt. Her and dad have been on edge with me." "Is this about fashion?" "Yeah." "Kyra, you look fine with the clothes you have. And if no one knows that then it's their lost."

"I guess your right." "I know I am right. Mom and dad are just keeping you safe. They just don't want you to make the same mistake me and Cheyenne made." "Okay, thanks, Grace."

We checked out and headed home after me and Cheyenne got our dresses. I went to my room and hung up my dress in my closet.

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