Chapter 5

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I woke up to the sound of vomiting and I run to the bathroom and see it is Cheyenne. She caught the morning sickness bug. "See you have your turn of morning sickness." "Shut up!" She says as her head is in the toilet.

"At least, we can have a competition of who can make it to the bathroom first." "You are so on." "I already know I will beat you." "Yeah, right." She roll her eyes. "What, you don't think I can make it to the bathroom before you?"

"At least, we can have fun while puking our guts up." "You bet, we are." We grab our buckets and went to the couch and covered up with a blanket with our ginger ales.

We see Van walk down the stairs and over to Cheyenne. "Hey, love. You feeling any better?" " No, I am not." She is going to be the grumpy one. Pregzilla.

"Chill, Cheyenne. He was just asking if you were okay." "I know, I am just irritated." "You think this is bad, wait until the next few months." "Say what!" They both said. "Yeah, I might not always be this sweet, I could be moody." I say.

"Yeah, but you will be grumpy with everyone in the house, instead of Ayden." "Really, you don't think I won't take it out on him when I see him."

I say with my hands on my hips. "You're not going to be seeing him, like you will be seeing us." "Yeah, true." " I do wish that my child have their father in their life. But, I can only wish. Right?" "Well, you can only hope he can change his mind." "Yeah, you're right."

I then hear the door open, we turn our heads. We seen Dad and Barbara Jean. "Hey, what do you need?" I ask. "I am just here to get my stuff from the garage." He said while Barbara jean was in the kitchen talking to mom. "I'd be careful, that box is almost ready to rip from the bottom and if you're looking for your golf clubs, mom sold them." You could see his veins are popping out of his head.

Me and Cheyenne and Van were chuckling. "Reba!" Dad said as he ran into the kitchen. "This is classic stuff here, Chey." I say as we are still laughing. Barbara Jean came in and was laughing too. "That was great, thanks for making my day." "Your welcome." Cheyenne said.

After fifteen minutes, Dad came back into the living room and said, "Come on, Barbara Jean." "Bye, you guys." "Bye, Barbara Jean."

They left and for the rest of the day, we have been talking and puking. I won, like always. It was time to get ready for bed and I got into bed and fell asleep.

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