Part 3 Reunite

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Taylor was just coming from the main building, he has studied with himself for sixteen minutes and that's retrieved back to the dorm to fetch some textbooks,the way to the second floor was blocked, so he went on to the third and try to get in from there.

It was so quiet, Some smell of flesh... Suddenly, the scream from above came,  sounds like the guy was falling down,turning in a circle. It was SOLID in the air,but was SPLATTER when he hit the ground?

"Don't look, if you look you'll be infected"

It was the voice coming from down left, he's roommate, Jackie,

Taylor replied subliminally, "OK", some other voices echoed as well,  

"We see now, "

"What's occurring"

it's 5:30 PM,in the beginning of long time,not many people are in this Dorm. Jackie?consider after half an hour later when students come back from the canteen...


A few sparse screams from the entrance but turned down to silence so quickly.

"We have to meet each other and gather, Taylor, y'all"

"get something over your eyes,"

"Use the emergency stairs,let's meet on the third floor"

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