Part 2 In several minutes...

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It was a splash sound caught Ken's ear, when he got out of the room and looked down from the hallway, hands on the wooden handrails

A teacher was stumbling, clutching his throat, and fall to the ground, face to the ground

Then he burst it into blood, started by a hole, as large as hit by a Cannonball. Blood burst out from it make it look like a fountain. Another student also rushed in very fast but he cannot control and flies straight into a small refrigerator, in the corner of the dorm, the top of that cuts his neck and blood went out.

Ken, are you? 

Jerry rushed out from the dorm room and find Ken standing straight and looking down. his eyes quickly burst out with blood splashing from his skull, and then he fell down like his bones have been broken to pieces, in less than a second, Jerry collapsed。。。

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