Elimination #3

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Leonardo looked at his brothers. He hated to be doing this but it had to happen. They all chose the girls that they needed to eliminate. They would be eliminating 4 girls this evening.

Leonardo stepped forward. "The girl I will be eliminating is Lesly Almanza." He stepped back

Alexander then stepped forward. "I will be eliminating Genevieve Price." Then he stepped back.

Vincent stepped forward. "I will be eliminating Holly Rose RedField." He softly spoke before stepping back.

Benjamin stepped forward. "I will be eliminating Abigail Joy McMillan." He had tears in his eyes but it had to happen.

MyGirl_BCanary  and Holly_Rose_Hamato  you have an elimination pass. Would you like to use it? Or just be eliminated?

That's when Lesly smirked. She stepped onto the stage. Not caring of what would happen. "I have something you all need to hear." She held up some papers. "Illéa is a joke. We are raised in the stupid caste system and in a kingdom where the king and queen are supposed to love each other and create the princes of Illéa. Well, 3 princes...." Lesly then threw the papers in the crowd and looked at the Queen.

"When were you going to tell us that Prince Vincent wasn't your real son. The king had an affair. With a women in caste 3 who died. Vincent was the product of that. The women died and The Queen was forced to keep Vincent. If you want proof. Read the Daily Illéa coming out soon. I have a friend in there who is publishing it tomorrow. That's right." Lesly turned to the four brothers. "Vincent isn't your real true brother." Leonardo had enough. This was the first time anybody would see Leo mad.

"Guards!" He yelled. His voice echoed the room. "Take her to the prison!" He yelled as they handcuffed Lesly. Lesly smirked and looked at Benjamin and Leonardo. "You were always my favorite ones." Lesly winked as she was taken away..


I've Got You Brother~ A Selection Roleplay (16/20)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang