...THE DAILY ILLÉA: Issue 1...

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Today's list of stories has to do with the Selection! As well as special news from the palace and a throw back Thursday!

~ThrowBack Thursday with The Princes of Illéa.~ by Olivia Scorn

Does anybody remember when the princes were in their pre-teens/teens and they performed for the king and queen and other important people?

Prince Leonardo, who was about 15, was on the guitar. Prince Alexander, who was 14 at the time, was on drums. Prince Vincent, who had just turned 13, was playing the keyboard. Prince Benjamin, who was 12, was on bass! They all practiced, sang and even danced a bit! They performed Hard Times and their performance is still on metube! That was the moment everyone knew that these boys were perfect together!

~A Special Dog for a Special Queen~ By Jessica Daniels

The Four Princes of Illéa are not only talented & Handsome. They are also super sweet! Recently, the Queen has been feeling a bit down and the boys wanted to make things be a little better for her.

Knowing that she loves animals such as dogs and cats. Leonardo, Alexander, Vincent, and Benjamin decided to get her a protective and loyal companion. His named is Romeo and he is a Husky!

Isn't he just the cutest! Welcome Romeo Schreave to the royal family!!!

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Isn't he just the cutest! Welcome Romeo Schreave to the royal family!!!

~Girl's fight!~ Daniel James

Now that the good news is over. Time for news of the Selection and not all of it is good! One of the dramatic moments of the Royal Welcoming Ball was the insults between two of the Selected! Adalia Galilea Loughty And Isabella McCoy recently butted heads in front of the royalty! Isabella even insulted Adalia for her caste! Earlier that night, Prince Leonardo had been talking to Isabella McCoy and it didn't seem there was a problem.

However, during that fight, Prince Leonardo and Prince Alexander tried to split up the argument. But only received attitude from Lady Isabella. Not a good start for her!

~They Can't Seem To Stay Away~ by Kira Gold

You would think that because this is the start of The Selection. The princes would begin to drift and talk to the girls. Not having time to be able to talk. But no! The brothers managed to get together to talk about their night! Isn't it just lovely that they can't stay away from each other?

~The Lucky Girl In The Palace~ By Jennifer Like.

There has been one girl that just stood out. Because she had managed to escape the ballroom twice! That girl is Jessica Speight! Yeah, our reporters caught her leaving the ballroom with 2 different princes!! Prince Vincent took her to the library and Prince Leonardo took her to the palace garden! Isn't she one lucky girl?

All I'm hoping is that there was no connection between them because maybe it could spark a love interest and we don't want the 2 insanely close brothers to be fighting!

And Finally the rankings for the Royal Ball is..,

1. Jessica Speight
2. Miriam Parker
3. Eilonwy Llewelyn
4. Adalia galilea loughty
5. Isabella McCoy
6. Isabella Harte
7. Abigail Joy McMillan
8.Addison Mariana Alvarez
9. Genevieve Price
10. Emilia Rosalie Campbell
11. Cassandra Sky Jane
12. Jesse Faye
13. Lesly Almanza
14. Jessica Katherine Emma Jones
15. Holly Rose Redfield
16. Daphne Ludovica Israfel

A/N: The Rankings are based on if you did your collage. If I see that you didn't you were placed at the bottom. Afterwards, it was based on your conversations. Like how many princes you met the night of the Royal Ball or how much drama you stirred which is why the two girls who were fighting are placed at the top. In the Daily Illea. That's what they are looking for. To see how much drama you can stir. That's also why the girl who took 2 princes out of the ballroom is up at top.

As well. Post your reactions in the comments and stir some more drama! Also, every room in the palace is now open! You can now roleplay in there as I get the next chapter up with will be done probably tomorrow after work!

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