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Hello there!

............General Kenobi!!!

Ok, I'll be serious for this.

I came up with an idea to post this.

Me and Bree were talking in pm once about what would be cool in Sonic games.

For the most part, we agreed on a lot of ideas, and thought it would be cool if everyone saw them.

This book will share some of those ideas with you and hopefully have you impressed with some of them.

Of course you guys can share your thoughts as well.

We can all support free of speech in this book at least, right?

Just don't argue with each other, I don't want to ruin friendships.

But before I tell you what's coming up, it's disclaimer time!

Disclaimer: I don't own Sonic the Hedgehog! The franchise belongs to SEGA and Sonic Team!

(Though if someone from SEGA is reading this, I'd love it if you took some ideas from this book!)

The following are the main topics in this.

-Game Style

-Plot development

-Fixing broken games

-Giving characters more development

-Villain ideas

-The Chao Garden

-Avatar Involvement

First up will be game styles!

Stay tuned for mine and Bree's thoughts on it.

Ideas for Sonic FranchiseWhere stories live. Discover now