Chapter 5

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The morning came quicker than Aine had anticipated.  Sunlight poured in from the high window and woke her up.  She sat up and gently stretched to see how her body was feeling.  Aine hadn't quite yet processed all that had happened the day before but she realized that it definitely qualified as trauma. Going slowly, she felt her ribs, and to her surprise, she was not as tender as she thought she'd be; feeling the rest of her body, her arms and legs were what held the most visible damage.  Just a few bruises, more scratches than anything and she wasn't nearly in as much pain and she was yesterday, just a bit sore.  She noticed in the middle of her room there was a small tub with water inside and a small towel and soaps beside it, to wash her face and brush her teeth she assumed, she hoped.  Walking over to the tub, she was glad to find that her assumptions were correct.  She freshened up then went over to the wardrobe to find more dresses that had been altered to fit her better.  Grateful, Aine looked through and tried to find one that made her feel the most confident.  It was a severe understatement to say that she was in way over her head at the moment, so anything that could aid in her feeling positive helped.  She hoped she would get used to this style of dress but knew it was going to be an adjustment.  In all her years of listening to her father speak about history, she had never actually dressed up in any period style clothing before.  Finally settling on a blue dress, Aine let out her braid and dipped her hands in water then scented oil and ran her fingers through her curls.  She then heard a knock on her door and went to find that it was Mrs. Aileas letting her know breakfast was ready.  Aine took one final look at herself and left her room.

Gregory had been up for a few hours, he rarely slept a full night's sleep.  He had already eaten breakfast in his study and was about to leave for a morning round through the town with Ruairi when he saw splash of red hair fly by him towards the kitchen.  So it wasn't a dream, there really was a young woman living in his keep.  And an Irish one at that.  Heaven is surely laughing at me. He thought to himself.  Gregory left his doorway and went to leave for the day to carry on business as usual.  He reached the entryway of the kitchen and eyed the scene before him: Mrs. Aileas setting the table, playfully chiding the cook, the other servants carrying on their morning chores and Beitris examining Aine.  He watched as Beitris felt Aine's ribs and looked her over.  Nuisance it might be that she was in his care, she was admittedly an attractive young woman.

"Ok lass, now turn to the side so I can get a last look at ye." Beitris advised.  Aine obeyed and saw Gregory looking in their direction from the entryway.  She smiled and waved, he nodded in return.  Beitris finally finished looking Aine over and she was very ready for breakfast.   She made her way over and smiled, "Good mornin.  Did you have a good sleep?"  Gregory held an even expression, responding, "I don't get much sleep.  How was your rest?"  Aine nodded and sighed contently, "It was wonderful. I didn't know I needed it but given the day I had yesterday, it was Heavenly."  Gregory grunted & nodded, Aine figured that was his way of saying good.  She noticed he didn't speak much but didn't look too deeply into it.

Mrs. Aileas let them know breakfast was ready and Aine immediately turned to head to the table.  She paused and looked back at Gregory who didn't move.  "Aren't you hungry?" she questioned.  Gregory stood to his full height, he had been leaning on the wall, and shook his head, he gathered his hair into a low knot.  "I've already eaten, lass.  I'm headed to town to meet with Ruairi and should be out all day.  I hope you enjoy breakfast."  With that, Gregory bowed and went towards the stables.  Aine shrugged and went to take a seat at the table.  Mrs. Aileas sat across from her and watched as Aine grabbed food for her plate with a puzzled look.  "Somethin on yer mind, Aine?"   Bread in hand, Aine slowly nodded.  "I guess I thought he would eat with us. My family always eats together."  Mrs. Aileas gave Beitris a look and the women nodded in mental agreement.  She turned her gaze back to Aine and said, "Well Greg is a busy man; he has the whole town to look after and it takes a while to do his everyday tasks.  He has plenty of help for his keep and the people who reside in it, he even has his men to help, but a lot of the decisions and meeting with people, he does with Ruairi.  They've been close since they were boys running around the keep, ya know."  Aine, intrigued, listened on as Mrs. Aileas told stories of Gregory as a boy and was fascinated by hearing first person accounts of life in this era.  She figured her dad would be super jealous to know she was actually living in the time period he so often spoke of.

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