Revisiting Aine's Story - Author's Update

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Hello Friends!

I know it has been a while since you have heard from me. I have lived a lot of life since publishing Aine's story here on Wattpad.  As you are probably well aware, I have tried and tried to come back but the timing was just never right.  I realized I had to grow and encounter some things in life in order to come back in the healthiest way possible. Which leads us to where we are now; I am so excited to be back and I have some exciting news about Aine for all of you who have enjoyed following her story.

It may or may not be a surprise however Flower of Scotland is actually the first book I had ever written!  I was a senior in college in 2015-2016 and so much was happening in my life. I wanted to escape and create a world that I knew would be totally of my creation and thus, Flower of Scotland was born. I know your first novel, let alone your first draft, is never going to be perfect and everything you want it to be but that's apart of the process. In order to be a writer, you must first write. And write and write and write so that is what I did. I am very proud of having written a novel at age 20 and for it to be something that people actually enjoyed brought me great joy as well.  I have grown a lot since then and now at the age of 25 (26 in 1.5 months) I am back to where it all started, with a redhead named Aine.  I know about 240,000 of you have already read the story and maybe you, Reader, are in the middle of my story.  Well there are some changes to come. I am re-releasing Aine's story with some much needed edits and maybe even a slight storyline shift (hmmmm).  Don't worry, nothing too major but definitely something needed to give depth, not fluff, to the story for an even richer world.  I am slowly but surely reverting my chapters back to drafts and going back to the writing board so to speak. I plan to release 1 chapter a week to give myself ample to time put in the loving care to each chapter that it deserves.  I am not sure what day I will be uploading chapters just yet but I deeply appreciate the patience that you will and have always given me. I'm sorry it took so long to get here but life is funny that way.  Kinda like Fate, huh (hint hint)?

Thank you again for being the wonderful balls of sunshine that you are and I hope that you come to fall in love again with Aine and the story of the Flower of Scotland.  This rerelease will even help give a more solid foundation to follow the Twins' story in Bond of Brothers!  Have the best day/night and remember that adventure always is around the corner.

Much love, your favorite Southern Belle!

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