Grass Ain't Greener

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You assume that I want a meadow
Exploding with vibrant serenity
A whispered breeze
A quiet place..
You assume I want
An unnatural nature
Calm and powerful
Sectioned and season
You think I need structure
And guidelines
Picket fences
And mowed lawns
A one to one ratio
Plus pet
And yet..
You don't account for reality
Where is the adventure?
What is it's purpose?
Why fence what is limitless
Why describe the indescribable?
You assume I want a meadow
But what's a meadow to
A mountain
You assume I want
The unnatural
But what's more strange than
Predictable nature?
You assume that I'm looking for
lush richness
Powerful serenity
For a green only
God can paint
On the other side
Of life..
You assume
I want better.
When in reality..
I just want real

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