chapter 2

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june 5th, 1963
tulsa oklahoma

i walked to the curtis house with only one thing on my mind. charlotte. she sure was something different. i really hope she doesn't get pulled into the soc crowds, she's too pretty to be a greaser. i don't know how she feels about me, but i sure hope she likes me. hopefully she doesn't think i'm weird.

"what are you so smiley today for, johnnycakes?"
pony asked when i walked in.

"i met a new friend. i'm gonna go meet her at the lot, and i'm gonna bring her back here to meet you guys. she's knew to tulsa so please don't scare her." i begged.

"she?" dallas asked, raising his eyebrows and shooting me a wink. i rolled my eyes and jogged over to the lot, waiting for her. hopefully she would actually show.

to my surprise, i saw her walking over a couple minutes later.

"hi charlotte!" i waved.

"hi johnny!" she smiled. i loved her smile a lot, it was extremely contagious.

"you wanna go meet my gang?" i asked, she nodded.

we finally arrived at the curtis house.

"they may seem a little scary at first, especially dallas, but they'll warm up to ya alright?" she nodded.

i pushed open the door and all eyes turned on us.

"so, this is my gang." i gave her a nervous smile. dallas was the first to walk up.

"hey doll, what's your name?" he winked. she blushed for a moment, then responded.

"charlotte. you?" she asked.

"dallas winston. you're too pretty to be a greaser. you a soc?"

"no, i just moved here. i guess i don't really have a label, as of this moment." she raised her eyebrows a bit, thinking.

pony and soda were second to walk up.

"this is ponyboy and that's his older brother, sodapop." i featured towards each brother and she shot them her famous smile and held out a hand to pony. of course, both of the brothers pulled her into a hug and she giggled a bit.

"that's one fine lookin' broad you got there, johnny." two joked.

"she ain't no broad, she's my friend. lay off, two-bit." i rolled my eyes and watched intently as she blushed, looking towards the ground.

"who's this?" darry asked, emerging from the kitchen.

"darry, this is charlotte, she's my friend. i met her last night at the lot. charlotte, this is darry, pony and sodas older brother." i introduced the two, and then introduced her to steve and two-bit.

"charlotte, you're welcome here any time you want." darry smiled. she quickly thanked him and we sat together on the couch.

though i had just met charlotte, i admired her. i looked up to her. she was so genuine and positive and i don't know why i can't be like that.

charlotte has been here for a couple of hours and it's already around 6. the whole gang loves her, and i can see why.

"you ticklish, charlotte?" two asked from beside her.

"no, definitely not." she scooted closer to me on the couch and covered her stomach. a few minutes later when she wasn't looking, two-bit pounced and started tickling her. she started squealing and trying to push two away, and she was one of the most ticklish people i've ever met.

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