Chapter One - Just... Me.

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Twisted (A Sasori Love Story)

Twisted- Chapter One- Just... Me

“Tokage, reporting!”

“Yumiya, reporting!”

“And Matsushima, reporting!”

Arm risen in a salute, I gazed upon the fourth Kazekage with a mixture of respect, and mild animosity.

                Respect, because the Fourth was a good Kazekage- though nothing compared to the Third, or so I hear- and kept the village in order and us shinobi prepared for almost any eventuality, which, really, is all you can ask from a Kazekage.

                Animosity, because he was heartless- he didn’t seem to care about the harsh way he treated his youngest son. He didn’t seem to give a damn that our much loved comrade had died on the previous mission. The only remorse (if you can really call it that) he showed was to give us a two day recovery period and then replace our fallen brother just in time to send us out again. I would have hated Yumiya anyway, purely because he was replacing Kato-kun, but his attitude didn’t help the situation any. The first thing Yumiya-kun said to Matsushima-kun and I was ‘you should be grateful to Lord Kazekage for even two days to lick your wounds’, immediately crushing the slightest hope of me even attempting to get along with the tenacious bastard.

“Good, you’re on time. I assume that means that everything went to plan?” as usual, he addressed one of the two males of the squad rather than me- never mind the fact that I was the Jounin of the group, meaning that I should be squad captain since Matsushima-kun and Yumiya-baka  are only Chunin. Sexist prick.

                “Yes.” Matsushima-kun answered solemnly. I was glad that Matsushima-kun was one of the Kazekage’s favourite ‘underlings’, meaning that my soul brother was usually chosen as Squad leader. I don’t think I could handle having the Kazekage’s personal butt-kisser as my superior, even if only for one mission. “The perpetrator was caught with ease, in the market by the east gate of the village. We handed him straight to Gaara-kun to take to the prison.”

                I scrutinised the Kazekage’s expression at the name; it remained carefully stoic. This only served to both irritate me further and harden my conclusion concerning the Fourth’s lack of a heart.

                “Very good. Well, you are dismissed. Report back to me at dawn for your next mission.” He said, eyes no longer on any of us, instead focused on the papers he continuously shuffled on his desk. With a formal bow and an uttered ‘hai.’, the three of us filed out.

                Yumiya-teme disappeared almost the second we exited the room. I say ‘almost’ because he paused only to smirk condescendingly at Matsushima-kun and I before vanishing completely. I ground my teeth, but followed Matsushima-kun down the long, winding hallway and out of the Kazekage building.

“Are you okay, Yuki-chan?” Matsushima-kun asked once we were outside, sticking his hands in his pockets. “You looked like you wanted to rip Lord Kazekage’s head off in there.”

I smiled thinly at him, “What, me? No, I absolutely adore Lord Kazekage!”

Matsushima-kun, or Haru-kun as was his first name, rolled his eyes at me, “No need to be sarcastic with me, I was just asking.”

I dropped the fake beam of adoration and rose an eyebrow at him. “Well, come on, Haru-kun, you know that I cannot abide that man.” I folded my arms, “And anyway, I would never harm him. This village needs him too much. If he were to die now, the upheaval would be enormous.”

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