A Dangerous Mission!

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Episode(s): 6(mentioned)

"Alright, brats, lets head back to the mission headquarters," said Haruka as the team finished picking out the weeds in the garden.

"Thank Kami," said Rei as she looked at the sky. 'I really hope we don't get anything to exhausting next.'

"Kay," said Ami with a smile.

"Do you think we can stop somewhere for a snack?" question Michiru.

The four then walked to mission headquarters.

~At Mission Headquarters~

"Hello! We are reporting in," said Haruka as the group walked into the room.

"Ah! Yes, Haruka, good to see you and your team," said the Hokage.

"You missed Kakashi and his team went on another mission this morning," said Iruka.

"Oh?" questioned Haruka.

"Yeah. He went on a C-ranked mission. It was just an escort mission, so you don't have to really worry about it," said Iruka with a smile. Haruka smiled back but didn't look convinced.

"Lucky," said the three girls together, causing the adults to chuckle.

"Now then, let's see what other mission we can give your team, Haruka," said the Hokage as he opened a scroll and started to look threw it.

While the Hokage looked for a mission, the others remained quite and thought to themselves.

'A C-ranked mission sounds cool, but are the strong enough for it? I know it's supposed to be an escort mission, but things can always go bad. I know they have a Jonin with them, but still. It sounds like it can be scary hard for our level. At the same time, it would be a great way to test yourself. They can see how they will handle a real situation and work tog et strong to be better next time. I wonder if we can somehow convince the Hokage to let us go on a mission like that too,' thought Rei to herself as the Hokage shuffled through some papers.

"Ah, yes, how about this mission. It involves-" started the Hokage, only to be cut off by a white dog running into the room. It had a leaf headband around its neck and a scroll in its mouth. It ran to the Hokage and placed the scroll in front of the Hokage, who then picked it up and started to read through it.

"How troubling," said the Hokage as he put the scroll down. He then turned to Iruka. "How many high-level ninjas do we currently have in the village?"

"Hmm," mumbled Iruka as he went through some papers. "It looks like most of them are out on missions or currently with teams."

"I see," said the Hokage as he smoked from his pipe. He then looked at Team 9.

"What's wrong?" asked Haruka as she raised and eyebrow.

"It seems that Kakashi's team has run into trouble and have moved the mission up to B-rank with a possible A-rank."

"WHAT!?" yelled everyone in shock but Haruka.

"That's not good. Kakashi has a team of Genin. He needs back up," said Haruka as she put her right hand to her chin to think. He left hand holding her right elbow.

"Agreed, and it would seem though many of our Jonin are currently busy or with teams," said the Hokage as he rested his chin on his folded hands.


"All out on mission, the ones that aren't are currently part of my guard."

"They need back up quickly, but it sounds like they won't get it till it's too late."

"Would you be wiling to go? You and your team?" he asked her, causing everyone to look on in shock.

"But sir! She also has a team on Genin!" called out Iruka in shock.

"Yes, but so does Kakashi. I have faith in the two of them to be able to protect their students as well as look out for each other."

"Okay," said Haruka, shocking everyone and causing the Hokage to smile.

"Sensei?" asked Rei in shock. 'She is really going to accept it?'

"Desperate times call for desperate measures. You three need to get ready. Go home and get everything you will need. I don't know how long we will be gone, so prepare for at least a month. I expect you at the gate in an hour," said Haruka as she turned to her girls. The three looked at each other and nodded.

"Yes Sensei," the three then ran out of the room to get home and get their things.

"We will be gone in an hour," declared Haruka as she walked up toward the dog a nodded. It nodded and jumped off the table. He followed her as she walked out of the room.

~An Hour Later, At the Gates~

"Alright, ladies! You ready?" asked Haruka as the four, plus Kakashi's dog, stood at the gates.

"Yes!" said the three girls with determination.

"Good. I won't lie to you three. This is going to be hard. There is a chance that some of us may not come back alive. This may seem harsh, but this is the life of a ninja. You girls need to be alert and focused. There is no telling the danger we might encounter. Let's go!"

"Right!" replied the other three as they followed their Sensei, who was following Kakashi's dog.

The four jumped from tree to tree, following the dog as it traced back to were it had come from.

"Sense, how long will it take us to get there?" asked Rei.

"Should be a less than a day. More then likely, after Kakashi sent his dog, the group stopped and made camp. They need to wait for back up," replied Haruka as she scanned the area. "You girls need to make sure you stay on alert. You also need to know that there is a high chance you might need to kill someone. As a ninja, it is something that can't be helped. Your enemy won't care that you are a child. As long as you wear that headband, you are their enemy."


'Sensei must have real faith in us to accept this mission. I know one of her teammates died when they were Genin. She must want to prevent that as best as she can. Sensei really is a strong woman,' though Rei as she looked ahead in determination.

"Let's hurry!" called out Haruka to her team.

"Right!" they said as the dog barked and went faster. The team sped up to keep pace.

"We're on our way. Just hold on."

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