Here kitty-kitty

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Richard POV

Me, my team, and team RWBY are walking through Vale. Alex, Arthur, and I take this opportunity to sight see, since John was the only one of us who had the chance to do so. Meanwhile team RWBY are heading to the docks, for some reason.

Weiss: The Vytal Festival! Oh, this is absolutely wonderful!
Ruby: I don't think I've ever seen you this happy before Weiss.
Me: Yeah. It's kind of... unsettling.

Weiss turns to look at us.

Weiss: How could you not be happy?! A festival dedicated to the different cultures of the world! There'll be dances! Parades! A tournament!

If John, Alex, and Arthur had such events, our world would have been a much different place.

Weiss: Oh, the amount of planning and organization that goes into this event is simply breathtaking!
Yang: You really can make a good thing sound boring.
Weiss: Quite, you!

We hear a horn sound. We look over and see a ship pulling into the docks.

Yang: Remind me why we're spending the afternoon on the stupid docks?
Ruby: Ugh, they smell like fish.
Weiss: I've heard that students from Vaccuo will be arriving by ship today. And as a representative of Beacon, I feel as though it is my solemn duty to welcome them to this fine kingdom.
Blake: She wants to spy on them so she'll have the upper hand in the tournament.

She turns on Blake.

Weiss: You can't prove that!
Ruby: Whoah.

We turn and see a dust shop with broken windows, yellow tape, and police checking it out. The inside of it looked like it had been ransacked. We walk over to it and take a closer look.

Me: What happened here?
Cop #1: Robbery. Second Dust shop hit this week. Place is turning into a jungle.

The cop walks over to consult with his partner.

Yang: That's horrible.
Cop #2: They left all the money again!
Cop #1: Ah, it just doesn't make a lick of sense. Who needs that much Dust?
Cop #2: I don't know, an army?
Cop #1: You thinkin' the, uh... White Fang?
Cop #2: Yeah, I'm thinkin' we don't get paid enough.

He's right. A cop's pay is usually bogus. Which is insulting once you learn the amount of crap those guys have to go through. We walk a few feet away from the scene. I've heard of the White Fang. They're basically a bunch of terrorists. Though, unlike the terrorists on earth, I actually agree with their cause.

Their cause, not their methods. Faunus, from what I've heard, are treated... not the best. So, in order to obtain equal rights, these guys decided to use violence. However, there apparently was a time when the White Fang used... less aggressive methods.

Weiss: The White Fang. What an awful bunch of degenerates.
Blake: What's your problem?
Weiss: My problem? I typically don't care for the criminally insane.
Me: Woah, that's a little uncalled for.
Weiss: "A little uncalled for"?!
Me: Look, I agree that the White Fang aren't the nicest individuals. If you were to put one in front of me, I'd berate them for their terrorist-like methods. But you can't deny that they have their reasons. Faunus aren't exactly treated well. What, they're not allowed to have the same rights as you and me because they have animal parts? That's like saying that Arthur can't have equal rights because his skin is a darker color.

Yes, I paid attention to the equal rights movement in high school.

Blake: They're just a collection of misguided Faunus.
Weiss: Misguided? They want to wipe humanity off the face of the planet!
Blake: So then they're very misguided! Either way, it doesn't explain they would rob a Dust shop in the middle of downtown Vale.
Ruby: Blake's got a point. Besides, the police never caught that Torchwick guy that John and I ran into a few months ago.
John: Oh, yeah. He flew away in that flying machine with some woman. Maybe it was him?

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