Strange new find

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August 8
Ruby POV

Ah, summer. The time of the year with no school, no homework. Sure there's chores around the house, but their not so bad. And the bright side is: it's more time to hang out with Yang. I haven't really talked to her much. But at least I have the gang back at Signal to talk to if Yangs not reachable. The one thing I didn't miss about her were her puns.

Yang: Did I tell you about the time Me and Nemo encountered an Ursa?
Me: No, I don't think you did.
Yang: Yeah, it was a pretty "Grimm" situation.
Me: ugh.

It was nice being home. A quaint little house on the island of Patch. It's nice to be home. Helping dad, playing with Zwei, talking with Yang. I hadn't been on the island in a while, so I decided to take a little hike to the river. Yang decided to join me.

It's good to be home.

Time skip 25 minutes

We were walking along the river and talking about stuff we did at Signal. I was telling her about the upgrades I gave Crescent Rose.

Me: I gave her a better scope, so now I can see four times the distance.
Yang: Cool.
Me: What did you do to Ember Cecilia? (A.N. God, I hope I spelled that right)
Yang: Not much. Just gave them the ability to fire dust infused rounds.
Me: Well, you never know. Those always tend to be useful.
Yang: Yeah, they... do.

She slowly stops walking. Then she squints at something in the distance.

Me: What's wrong?

Her eyes slowly start to go wide.

Yang: Is that...a...PERSON?!

She starts running toward where she saw this person. I followed. After about five seconds, I saw this person she was looking at.

A still body lying in a pool of blood

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A still body lying in a pool of blood. When Yang reached him, she kneeled down and flipped him over, revealing several wounds in his chest.

Yang: Must've been a Grimm attack.

Then she checked for a pulse.

Yang: Oh my Oum, he's alive!
Me: Grab his arms, I'll grab his feet

Time skip 34 minutes

Yang knocks on the door, and dad opens it.

Dad: You girls back alr- WHAT IS THIS?!
Me: Dad, we will explain later, but this guy needs help,now!

He just nods his head and rushes to the kitchen. I hear him move some stuff around. He comes back into the living room and tells us to set him on the table.

Dad: He's got shrapnel in his chest. I need tweezers of some sort.

I notice little sharp bits sticking out of his chest. I run upstairs and get a pair of eyebrow pluckers.

Me: Will this do?
Dad: it'll have to for now.

He carefully removes the pieces from the persons chest. Yang brings dad a sewing kit to stitch him up. As he does, I notice something around the mans neck.

Me: Is that a dust crystal?

Yang takes a look at it.

Yang: It's not one I've seen before.
Me: Yeah. It looks like a fire crystal, but there are blue seams.

We put the person in a spare bed to let him rest.

This is gonna be a real conversation starter at Signal.

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